Project History in AAM
Here, an overview of historic projects in the field of Advanced Air Mobility is provided:
Table of contents
- Further AAM Activities of the Chair
- January 2022: BMVI-funded project RescueFly started - cross-county/ cross-state prevention and rescue with the help of drones
- November 2021: SAB funded Project SmartFly started
- September 2021: TV report on air taxis
- December 2020: New Innovation Committee for Logistics
- October 2020: Participation in the co-creation workshop of the project The Sky is the Limit in Berlin
- July 2020: Scientific dialogue "Are drones useful or dangerous?" mit Jörg Dittrich (DLR)
- May 2020: Political participation in the unmanned aviation action plan
- January 2020: Keynote on "Opportunities and risks of UAM" for the 4th RotorDrone Forum Bückeburg
- October 2019: Expert discussion regarding drones, air taxis and mannend aviation in Dubai
- August 2019: National Air Conference in Leipzig
- April 2019: Handover of the report "Handling of drones in German airspace" to Federal Minister of Transport Scheuer
- From December 2018: Contribution to the Advisory Board Unmanned Aviation at BMVI
- Further AAM Activities of the Chair
Further AAM Activities of the Chair
January 2022: BMVI-funded project RescueFly started - cross-county/ cross-state prevention and rescue with the help of drones
As part of the funding guideline "Innovative Air Mobility", the chair is working on an optimized rescue chain in the event of swimming accidents in lakes through the use of specially equipped drones, an intelligent drone garage and optimal search strategies for people in distress using combined sensor technology. The project is being carried out under the leadership of the Björn Steiger Foundation, Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security and in cooperation with BT U Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus Senftenberg, TU Chemnitz, THOLEG Civil Security Protection Systems and DRONIQ GmbH over a period of two years.
November 2021: SAB funded Project SmartFly started
Together with the Chairs of Aircraft Engineering (Prof. Markmiller) and the Working Group WIssensarchitektur - Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture (Prof. Nönnig) of the TU Dresden, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO and the Innovation Workshop of Phase 10 Ingenieur und Planungsgesellschaft, the Chair was awarded the SmartFly project. The goal is to analyze the feasibility of introducing air taxis in and around the Dresden region. For this purpose, demand models will be generated and applied using urban planning data, and possible network structures will be derived. The route network planning will be based on an APM for electrically operated multicopters, will take into account the citizen's willingness to pay and consider so far existing regulatory aspects according to the EU Regulation and EASA (SC and CS). The network cooperates with the German UAM model regions belongng to the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC), especially Hamburg and Ingolstadt.
September 2021: TV report on air taxis
Professor Fricke had the chance to comment on the topic: "When will the first air cabs arrive?". The market for air cab builders is growing - a Munich-based start-up for air cabs is now even listed on a US stock exchange. A means of transportation of the future? We ask whether the launch of air cabs is at all realistic. The program was broadcast on 21.09.2021 in the program 'Umschau' on MDR television.
The broadcast can be viewed via the following link:
"When will the first air cabs arrive?"
December 2020: New Innovation Committee for Logistics
Prof. Fricke has been selected as a member for the new Innovation Committee to the innovation programme Logistics 2030 by the BMVI. There, business and research representatives jointly develop a vision for cargo traffic and logistics, as the Ministry reported.
October 2020: Participation in the co-creation workshop of the project The Sky is the Limit in Berlin
At the workshop of the project The Sky is the Limit (Sky Limits), citizens and experts discuss the essential questions of the future use of airspace in our cities.
July 2020: Scientific dialogue "Are drones useful or dangerous?" mit Jörg Dittrich (DLR)
May 2020: Political participation in the unmanned aviation action plan
With the collaboration of the Chair, the Federal Government's action plan entitled Unmanned Aerial Systems and Innovative Aviation Concepts was developed.
January 2020: Keynote on "Opportunities and risks of UAM" for the 4th RotorDrone Forum Bückeburg
Prof. Fricke gave a keynote speech on 16.01.2020 at the 4th RotorDrone Forum in Bückeburg with the title "Chances and risks of UAM - mobility offensive for conurbations or gimmickry with high external costs for society?". Besides the possible applications of UAM, the main focus was on safety (operational safety), the associated risk for external parties and the resulting requirements for airspace and urban structure. More details about the event can be found on the webseite of UAV DACH.
October 2019: Expert discussion regarding drones, air taxis and mannend aviation in Dubai
Prof. Fricke traveled to Dubai in September in his function as Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). The aim was to exchange technical and political information in the field of research, development and industry in the field of transport with a special focus on manned and unmanned air taxis.

Treffen mit Ismaeil Al Balooshi, Assistant Director General for Aviation Safety Affairs, General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA)
August 2019: National Air Conference in Leipzig
On August 21, 2019, Prof. Fricke presented at the National Aviation Conference 2019 on the topics "New Mobility, Drone-Economy" and took part in the discussion with numerous high-ranking representatives of the industry. During the conference, an interview with Prof. Fricke was recorded in the journal Drones. This article was published in issue 1/2020 of Drones Magazine, the expert journal for commercial drone use.
April 2019: Handover of the report "Handling of drones in German airspace" to Federal Minister of Transport Scheuer
The report Drones in German Airspace: Transport Policy Challenges in the Conflict Area between Innovation, Safety, Security and Privacy of the Scientific Advisory Board was published with the collaboration of the Chair.
From December 2018: Contribution to the Advisory Board Unmanned Aviation at BMVI
In December 2018, Prof. Fricke was appointed to the Advisory Board for Unmanned Aviation of the BMVI by the Federal Minister of Transport.