Basic Studies, Business Administration and Economics
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The Basic Studies of the program comprise nine compulsory Business Administration and Economics modules, with five credit points each.
The five Business Administration modules provide an overview of the tasks and problems involved in company management, control, and organization. The four Economics modules cater to a basic understanding of market workings and economy-wide processes.
See below for short descriptions of the respective modules. Details on their scheduling, exam participation restrictions, and more are available on the German version of this website.
Business Administration
- Introduction to Business Administration and Organization (Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Organisation)
This module introduces you to business administration's basic concepts and principles and the fundamentals of organizational design in companies. Technology and innovation issues, including industrial property rights, are covered in detail.
- Fundamentals of Accounting (Grundlagen des Rechnungswesens)
In this module, you will learn about the essentials of internal and external corporate accounting, i.e., cost and performance accounting, financial accounting, profit and loss accounts, and balance sheets.
- Annual Financial Statements, Investment, and Finance (Jahresabschluss, Investition und Finanzierung)
This module deals with the regulations and content of enterprises' annual financial statements, evaluating the profitability of investment projects, and various forms of corporate financing.
- Marketing and Sustainable Corporate Management (Marketing und Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung)
This module teaches the most important basic principles of market- and social responsibility-oriented corporate management.
- Production and Logistics (Produktion und Logistik)
This module covers the fundamentals of production and cost theory, production planning and control, and logistics, the planning and implementation of goods and material flows.
- Introduction to Economics (Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre)
This module introduces you to basic economic principles and concepts and provides an overview of various topics in economics.
- Introduction to Microeconomics (Einführung in die Mikroökonomie)
This module examines individual behavior in markets. The focus is on the economic theory of consumer choice, i.e., determining demand for goods with a limited budget.
- Strategy and Competition (Strategie und Wettbewerb)
In this module, you will learn basic price, competition, and game theory. It focuses on how economic actors (especially companies) exploit strategic leeway and its societal consequences.
- Introduction to Macroeconomics (Einführung in die Makroökonomie)
This module deals with fundamental macroeconomic relationships in the closed and open economy, investigating the interactions between money and goods markets and the effects of monetary and fiscal policy.