Basic Studies, Engineering

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© Crispin-Iven Mokry

© Crispin-Iven Mokry
In the Diplom in Industrial Engineering and Management, there are three compulsory modules and one elective module in Engineering in the first and fourth semesters. You must also choose two elective modules from electrical engineering or technical mechanics. All modules comprise five credit points each.
Please find below short descriptions of the modules' contents. For more details, consider the German version of this website.
Compulsory Modules
- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (Elektische und magnetische Felder)
This module deals with the calculation of electrical networks under direct current. The focus is on analyzing electrical circuits and their temperature dependence. It also addresses the basic techniques for calculating currents, voltages and resistances of circuits and simple components.
- Statics and Strength of Materials (Statik und Festigkeitslehre)
This module presents the basics of technical mechanics. It includes considering loads acting on a component externally and internally due to external loads. These forces and moments are analyzed in bearing and section reactions of simple load-bearing structures and processed into tension, compression, or shear stresses. The resulting stress states are calculated for elastic material behavior and evaluated for their strength.
- Physics and Chemistry (Physik und Chemie)
The module includes introductions to the general laws of chemistry. Chemical bonds, reactions, and equilibria, as well as metals, corrosion, and materials, are covered. The introduction to physics includes content from mechanics, thermodynamics, vibrations, waves, and optics. The aim is to derive cross-references to electrotechnical and mechanical engineering approaches on this basis.
Elective Module
- Technical Specialization (Module Group) (Modulgruppe Technische Vertiefung)
Here, you deepen your previously acquired technical foundations by choosing a module from an engineering field. For more detailed information on the offerings, please refer to the German version of this website.
Elective Modules Electrical Engineering
- Electric and Magnetic Fields (Elektrische und magnetische Felder)
This module deals with the calculation of simple electric and magnetic fields. It teaches the basic principles of some electronic components as well as the calculation of induction and force effects of the fields.
- Dynamic Networks (Dynamische Netzwerke)
This module builds on "Electric and Magnetic Fields", analyzing dynamic networks, i.e., networks with time history measurements. It considers methods to calculate dynamic circuits under periodic excitation or explore the relationship between input and output voltage, the network's transfer function.
Elective Modules Technical Mechanics
- Kinematics and Kinetics - Basics (Kinematik und Kinetik - Grundlagen)
This module builds on "Statics and Strength of Materials". In the area of kinematics, it deals with the description of motion sequences of rigid bodies and body systems. In kinetics, it considers interactions between loads and movements via momentum balances and the work and energy theorem. It also teaches vibrations with a degree of freedom of one and impact processes.
- Technical Mechanics - Specialization (Technische Mechanik Spezialisierung)
This module builds on "Kinematics and Kinetics - Fundamentals". It addresses advanced methods for calculating stress states and describing planar movements. In addition, it introduces strength assessments of structures, which compare existing loads with permissible loads and thus calculate the service life under recurring loads.