Accounting and Finance
Understanding how to process and utilize corporate data and information, how to manage cash flows, and how to deal with challenges in accounting and finance is key for management. The specialization “Accounting and Finance” equips students with fundamental expertise in financial reporting, corporate finance, portfolio management, taxation, financial management, and strategic and operative management accounting. Through interactive teaching formats, it also offers in-depth knowledge of corporate valuation and risk management.
Typical Questions
- How do stock exchanges work?
- How can companies utilize discretion in reporting, auditing, and taxation rules?
- What is portfolio management?
- What financing options are available to companies? How can companies hedge their risks?
- What incentives drive corporate accounting policies and disclosure behavior?
- How can accounting-based information be processed to support management decisions?
- How can companies be managed in the long term and strategically?
- How can companies, individual segments, and projects be evaluated and managed in monetary terms?
- How can risks in companies be measured, controlled, and monitored?
- What are the foundations and current trends in financial management?
- How can incentive systems help companies consider environmental, social, and governance goals?
Modules (Selection)
- Behavioral Finance (Prof. Dr. Hornuf)
- Cases in Management Accounting (Prof. Dr. Schäfer)
- Grundlagen Controlling (Prof. Dr. T. Günther)
- Internationale Rechnungslegung (Prof. Dr. Dobler)
- Investition und Finanzierung II (Prof. Dr. Hornuf)
- Konzernrechnungslegung (Prof. Dr. Dobler)
- Advanced International Financial Reporting (Prof. Dr. Dobler)
- Financial Technology (Prof. Dr. Hornuf)
- Finanzderivate und Optionen (Prof. Dr. Hornuf)
- Risikomanagement und Risikocontrolling (Prof. Dr. T. Günther)
- Strategisches Controlling (Prof. Dr. T. Günther)
- Value-based Management (Prof. Dr. Schäfer)
Career Prospects
The specialization “Accounting and Finance” opens up excellent and diverse career opportunities. Graduates often work in accounting, controlling, and finance departments of companies, as well as in banks, stock exchanges, insurance companies, and leasing firms. Career paths also include auditing and tax consulting, management consulting, investment banking, and public institutions. In addition, many companies highly value the expertise gained in “Accounting and Finance” for project management and corporate leadership roles.