Lecturer at CMCB Master’s Program 'Regenerative Biology and Medicine':
Stem cells, development and regeneration
Supervisor for lab rotations in the Master’s Program in Regenerative Biology and Medicine:
Model organism research, Cell- and organ-based research, Molecular biology research
Lecturer at TUD Bachelor's Program 'Molecular Biology and Biotechnology': Grundlagen der Regenerationsbiologie
Supervisor for lab rotations in the CMCB Master’s Program 'Molecular Bioengineering'
Research group member of the Bioscience PhD students (BiPS)
Tutor at the Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden Carl Gustav Carus:
Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens
Tutor/Lecturer at the Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden Carl Gustav Carus:
DIPOL course Ernährung, Stoffwechsel, Ausscheidung
Host of apprentices (Biologisch/Medizinisch technische Assistenten) for their internships