Jun 28, 2021; Informational Event
Funding Opportunities for Humanities and Social Sciences
Katrin Freudenberg
Susan Kasten
Ines Schmidt
Harald Schraeder
In this information event, we would like to present attractive funding opportunities for the humanities and social sciences. The event is primarily addressed to scientists who have had little or nothing to do with third-party funding. The aim is to give you an insight into national and international third-party funding, to present the respective contact persons at the TU Dresden as well as the existing services and support options.
National funding opportunities such as DFG, BMBF and various grants will be presented. You will also get an insight into the various funding formats of European and international funding, such as Horizon Europe, Erasmus +, Interreg and the European Social Fund. You will get an overview of the contact persons for funding opportunities and the extensive service at TU Dresden.
Target group:
The event is primarily addressed to scientists who have no or very little experience in the field of funding. It is a very good introduction getting an overview.
If you are interested, please contact Ms. Ines Schmidt directly (see contact box above).
The information event will be held in German language.

Project Man. / EPC Contact SSH
NameMs Ines Schmidt
Horizon Europe (MSCA)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden