Apr 10, 2024; Informational Event
Funding International Postdocs at your Institute - MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
Rick Glöckner, Project Manager
Do you know a postdoctoral researcher from abroad who would like to do research and work at TU Dresden?
Are you interested in supporting excellent international researchers at your institute?
Then the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) are a suitable instrument for you to bring appropriate candidates to TU Dresden for a 12 - 24 month research project.
If you are interested, please join our online information event (MSCA-PF supervisory event) on the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships Programme, which will take place on:
Wednesday, 10 April, 2024, 11:00 - 11:45 am.
You will receive concise information on the key aspects of the programme, your role as a supervisor and the benefits of the program for you. You will be well prepared to start the application process with your future postdoc.
If you are interested, please register by emailing to . The event is exclusively for TUD members and will be held in English.

Project Manager
NameMs Susan Hensel
Horizon Europe (MSCA), COST
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden