Jun 01, 2015
The European Project Center (EPC) celebrates its 10th Birthday - More than 10 Years: Safely through the EU Funding Jungle.
In June this year, we - the European Project Center (EPC) - are celebrating our 10th anniversary. We are both proud and pleased to have become part and parcel of EU research funding at the TU Dresden during this time.
TU Dresden looks back on ten successful years in the EU funding jungle: Up to now, the EPC has advised and respectively managed more than 900 transnational projects with partners from all over Europe and beyond. Since the creation of the EPC, the funds allocated to TU Dresden from EU sources have increased from EUR 9.9 million in 2005 to EUR 47.6 million in 2013.
In May of the anniversary year, the EPC is managing more than 240 projects in both current as well as previous EU funding programmes - from EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research (2007-2013) to ESF, INTERREG, Tempus, ERASMUS+ and the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020. Scientists from TU Dresden and also external project partners use our “One-Stop-Shop” solution with all services provided from a single source in a variety of ways. Whether initial consultation, support with proposal writing, monitoring of programme specific regulations or preparation of financial reports and audits: We offer customised solutions in all phases of an EU-funded project to proactively meet the challenges of the different EU funding programmes.
The increasing internationalisation of research, the intensification of international university co-operation as well as the growing exchange of students and scientists led to the creation of the EPC in 2005. The main objective for this newly created service was -and still is- to meet the rising need for advice and coordination within international consortia in terms of economic and administrative aspects, hence to accompany these projects in an optimal way. Projects funded by the European Union, in particular, are more complex in their requirements on the project management side than comparable national projects.
From funding period to funding period, our office has grown and further developed its portfolio as the number of different projects types rose, too. Once started in 2005 with three employees, the EPC employs more than 40 experienced project managers and assistants by now.
For the coming decade, we will be happy to continue guiding you safely through the EU funding jungle in order to take the best advantage of the various EU funding possibilities.

European Project Center
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TUD Dresden University of Technology European Project Center
01062 Dresden