Jan 31, 2018
EIC Horizon Prizes: 5 or 10 million Euro prize for a good idea
The European Innovation Council has currently published a number of Horizon 2020 Prizes. Each Horizon Prize has an ambitious goal to solve a major challenge facing society, without detailing how this should be achieved or who should achieve it. These prizes are open to anyone willing to think outside the box across sectors and disciplines. The prize is awarded to whoever best meets the challenge. The deadlines for applications vary between 4th quarter of 2018 and 1st quarter of 2021. Any natural or legal person from an EU member state or associated state is eligible for funding, on their own or as a consortium.
The following prize topics are currently open for applications:
- Affordable High-Tech for Humanitarian Aid (Prize value €5 million)
- Fuel from the Sun (Prize value: €5 million)
- Blockchains for Social Good (Prize value: €5 million)
- Low-Cost Space Launch (Prize value: €10 million)
- Innovative Batteries for eVehicles (Prize value: €10 million)
- Early Warning for Epidemics (Prize value: €5 million)
Please find more detailed information on this funding opportunity on the official European Innovation Council website and the Participant Portal of the European Commission.
In case you have any questions or would like to seek a personal consultation on this funding opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact the EPC staff.
Head of Unit "Joint Research Activities" / EPC Contact Eng. Sc.
NameMs Katja Böttcher
Horizon Europe, EDF, Cooperations
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