Sep 04, 2020
Additional call for "Digital Education" in the field of Erasmus + Strategic Partners
As part of the Erasmus + programme, the Commission has published an additional call for proposals in response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Projects in higher education (as well as in school and vocational training) can be submitted until October 29, 2020.
The start of the project term is between March 1 and June 30, 2021. The projects in the higher education sector can have a term of between 12 and 24 months. The maximum project funding amount is 300,000 euros per project. In principle, the funding conditions for Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships also apply to this call.
Projects should aim to better equip education and training systems for the challenges that have arisen as a result of the sudden change to online and distance learning caused by COVID-19. The focus will be on capacity building to implement virtual and blended formats of learning and teaching, including developing digital pedagogical competencies of teachers, staff and trainers to ensure high quality inclusive digital teaching. In addition, innovative online resources and instruments can be developed or implemented and networks can be created that - in cooperation with providers of digital technologies - develop tailor-made solutions that respond to local challenges and particularities. Both projects with a content focus in the field of higher education and projects that are cross-educational (e.g. university - adult education, university - school education) are funded.
Please refer to the Programme Guide for details. Please note that for the 'Partnerships for Creativity' (also mentioned in the Programme Guide), NO applications can be made in the higher education sector.
Current information on the application process for the call for 'Digital Education' is available on the DAAD website under the following link:
The DAAD, which organizes the announcement and also the selection of the projects, led by a German university, offers an online seminar on this announcement on September 21, 2020.
If you are interested in a project application, please contact the EPC. We will be happy to support you in preparing an application.
Contact at the EPC

Project Manager
NameMr Harald Schraeder
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
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FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden