Apr 16, 2019
Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU): New Call für proposals 2019 has opened
The Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) has opened its call for proposals for the year 2019. The submission deadline is on 4 September 2019, 5:00 pm CET.
The 2019 BBI Call has a total budget of 135 million euros distributed across 21 topics that covers all levels of Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs): Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), Demonstration Actions (DA), Flagship Actions (FA), and Coordination and support actions (CSA). In addition, at least € 60 million in in-kind contributions are expected from other industry partners.
The BBI JU is a Public-Private Partnership between the European Commission and the Bio-based Industries Consortium. It represents the interests of industry, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as clusters and networks from all over Europe. In line with its Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda (SIRA), BBI JU aims to optimize land use, reduce resource use and pollution, and increase food security.
Further information about the 6th BBI Call for proposals: https://www.bbi-europe.eu/participate/call-proposals-2019
Contact at EPC
Project Manager
NameMs Katharina Amsel
Horizon Europe
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