Jun 15, 2016
ERA-NET Coordinating Action in Plant Science: 3rd call pre-announcement
The ERA-CAPS (ERA-NET Coordinating Action in Plant Science) is to launch its 3rd transnational call for proposals for collaborative research in the fields of molecular plant science.
ERA-CAPS aims to stimulate high quality collaborative transnational research in fundamental molecular plant science, to increase synergies between national programmes and to strengthen international research in the aforementioned field.
The objective of the upcoming call is to facilitate multinational, collaborative research in all areas of molecular plant science, such as food and nutrition security, non-food crops, adaptation to a changing climate or biotic/abiotic stresses. Applications in other areas of molecular plant science are welcomed where the research answers fundamental biological questions of relevance to the development of the European and Global Research Area in molecular plant science. The call is scheduled to open on 23 June 2016 (ERA-CAPS 3rd call).
For further details, please refer to the programme's official website. The submission deadline for pre-proposals is scheduled for 28 September 2016.
The team of the EPC would be pleased to advise and assist you with the preparation of your proposal.
Contact at EPC
Head of Unit "Individual and Network Activities"
NameMs Friederieke Noack
Horizon Europe (MSCA, ERC)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden