May 10, 2022
ERA-Net ICT-Agri-Food with new Call!
The ERA-NET Cofund ICT-AGRI-FOOD is dedicated to the challenge of initiating a transformation of European agricultural and food systems into sustainable, resilient, transparent and fair systems. We are looking for transnational research and innovation projects that demonstrate the potential of digital technologies to address this challenge.
It is expected that the proposals will:
- support farmers and food businesses to increase the sustainability of their products, including organic sector as primary component of the food system, and processes;
- increase transparency efficiency and effectiveness of traceability across food systems;
- increase the capacity of authorities and policymakers that deal with food safety, sustainability, to monitor the performance of different parts and processes of the food system.
Proposals submitted to the Call must address one of the three following topics:
TOPIC 1 - Agri-food systems enabled by interconnected digital technologies that are more transparent to consumers, farmers and other stakeholders along the agri-food value chain
TOPIC 2 - Identify, address and remove barriers for adoption of ICT technologies in the agri-food systems
TOPIC 3 - Development and impact estimation (if applicable: evaluation) of data-driven reward and incentive systems to support sustainable and resilient farm management practices
An integrated, transdisciplinary research approach should consider the three pillars of sustainability (social, economic and environmental). Costs and benefits of the application of ICT technologies in the agri-food systems should be explored, including people’s livelihoods and jobs, animal welfare, biodiversity, nutrition and food security. Systems thinking allows for a better understanding of the relevant drivers and impacts in a wider context. Researchers from the fields of social sciences, (socio-) economics and policy research are invited.
Timeline and eligibility criteria:
- August 15th, 2022 – full-proposal submission
- max. 200,000 Euros funding for German project part, no overheads
- joint projects with min three partner from three participating countries
- Participating countries are Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Denmark
Further information:
Contact at EPC:
Project Manager
NameMr Dr. Stefan Schuldt
ERA-Nets, BMBF Complementary measures
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden