Apr 22, 2016
ERASMUS+ KA3: Call for Proposals in the field of Social Inclusion
Within the framework of the ERAMUS+ programme (Key Action 3), a new special Call for Proposals has been published. This call for proposals will support projects in the fields of education, training and youth regarding the topic Social Inclusion.
An application submitted under the present call must mainly address one of the two following general objectives, which should be indicated in the application form:
- Preventing violent radicalization and promoting democratic values, fundamental rights, intercultural understanding and active citizenship
- Fostering the inclusion of disadvantaged learners, including persons with a migrant background, while preventing and combating discriminatory practices.
Furthermore, each proposal must address at least one and maximum three of the following specific objective(s):
- Improving the acquisition of social and civic competences, fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of democratic values and fundamental rights;
- Preventing and combating any form of discrimination and segregation in education;
- Promoting gender equality in the learning environment, combating gender stereotypes and preventing gender-based violence;
- Enhancing access to quality and inclusive mainstream education and training with a focus on the needs of disadvantaged learners;
- Fostering mutual understanding and respect among people with different ethnic or religious backgrounds, beliefs or convictions, including by addressing stereotypes and promoting intercultural dialogue;
- Enhancing critical thinking, cyber and media literacy among children, young people, youth workers and educational staff;
- Creating inclusive and democratic learning environments;
- Supporting teachers and educators in handling conflicts and dealing with diversity;
- Preventing radicalisation in prisons and closed institutions;
- Encouraging youth participation in social and civic life and developing inclusion and outreach practices to reach young people;
- Facilitating the acquisition of the language(s) of instruction for newly arrived migrants;
- Assessing knowledge and validating prior learning of newly arrived migrants;
- Enhancing the quality of non-formal learning activities, youth work practices and volunteering.
This call comprises two lots:
- Lot 1: Education and training
- Lot 2: Youth
Applicants must address only one of the above Lots and indicate it in the application form. This call supports three project strands:
- Strand 1: Transnational cooperation projects (Lot 1 and Lot 2)
- Strand 2: Large-scale volunteering projects (Lot 2)
- Strand 3: Networking of Erasmus+ National Agencies (Lot 2)
Each strand aims on different eligible activities. For higher education, Strand 1 is in particular relevant and therefore referred on in the further text.
Eligible applicants are public and private organisations active in the fields of education, training and youth. The 28 Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are eligible to apply.
Minimum partnership composition requirements for Strand 1: 4 organisations representing 4 eligible countries. If networks are involved in the project, the partnership must include at least 2 organisations which are not members of the network (i.e. two partners of the network plus 2 organisations not members of the network).
The financial contribution from the EU cannot exceed 90 % of the total eligible project costs. A flat-rate amount, up to 7% of the eligible direct costs of the project, is eligible under indirect costs. The maximum grant per project will be EUR 500 000.
Activities must start between 1 and 31 December 2016. The project duration is fixed to either 24 or 36 month.
The deadline for submitting proposals is 30 May 2016.
Detailed information and documents are available under:
Call for Proposals: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/funding/key-action-3-initiatives-for-policy-innovation-social-inclusion-through-education-training-and-youth_en
General Information on Key Action 3 in Erasmus+: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/actions/key-action-3-support-for-policy-reforms_en
The team of the EPC would be pleased to advise and assist you with the preparation of your proposal.
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Horizon Europe (MSCA)
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