Mar 14, 2023
ESF PLUS - Directive for the funding of projects as part of the program “Sustainability at work - future-oriented training” (Nachhaltig im Beruf - zukunftsorientiert ausbilden -NIB) published by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
The BMBF supports sustainability-oriented skills development in vocational education and training through the ESF-Plus co-funded program “Sustainability at work - future-oriented training”. Funding is usually provided for a period of 24 months.
The aim is to qualify the training personnel on sustainability topics in order to ensure that the requirements of the standard vocational training position on sustainability and environmental protection are met during training.
Funding will be provided primarily for measures specific to particular industries and professions. The projects can address dual training occupations under the Vocational Training Act and the Crafts Code, as well as occupations in the health and social services sectors and in the public sector. Funding applications that create opportunities for new or reorganized occupations, as well as those that contribute to the energy, agricultural, construction, or transportation transformation, are especially encouraged.
The focus is on the spread and advancement of successful approaches and concepts. New projects will not be funded. Pure research projects will also not be funded.
Universities that do not belong to the area of economic activities can receive a share of funding of up to 100%. The grant will amount to between 200,000 and 1,500,000 euros.
There is a two-step application process. The project outline must be submitted to the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) by April 17th, 2023 using “easy-Online,” which for TU Dresden will be done via the EPC. After a positive evaluation, applicants will be invited to submit a formal grant application. Another funding phase is expected to start in early 2026.
Additional information
More detailed information is available on our program page and via the links below:
- Website Federal Institute for Vocational Education
- Directive (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)