Feb 14, 2024
Horizon Europe: a series of events on the funding opportunities in the EU missions in 2024 and on the New European Bauhaus
The five European missions on climate adaptation, cancer, water, cities and soils as well as the New European Bauhaus will soon publish new calls for proposals in the work programme for 2024. In several thematic online information events from 29 February to 14 March 2024, the corresponding National Contact Points will present the different funding opportunities.
Date | Funding Programme | Event |
29.02. until 14.03. 2024 | Horizon Europe |
Series of information events regarding EU Missions and the New European Bauhaus within Horizon Europe – your funding opportunities 2024. Further information: |
05.03.2024 | Horizon Europe |
Information event on the EU-Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030)" – NKS Bioökonomie und Umwelt (PtJ) Further information: |
07.03.2024 | Horizon Europe | Information event on the EU-Mission "Adaptation to Climate Change" – NKS Klima, Energie, Mobilität (PtJ) Further information: https://www.nks-bio-umw.de/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/klimaanpassung2024 |
12.03.2024 | Horizon Europe |
Information event on the EU-Mission "100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030" – NKS Klima, Energie, Mobilität (PtJ) Further information: |
12.03.2024 | Horizon Europe | Information event on the EU-Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe" – NKS Bioökonomie und Umwelt (PtJ) Further information: https://www.nks-bio-umw.de/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/bodenmission-2024 |
14.03.2024 | Horizon Europe | Information event on the EU-Mission "Cancer" – NKS Gesundheit (DLR-PT) Further information: https://www.nksgesundheit.de/de/Informationsveranstaltung-zur-Krebsmission-3167.html |
14.03.2024 | Horizon Europe | Information event on "The new European Bauhaus" - NKS Bioökonomie und Umwelt (PtJ) Further information: https://www.nks-bio-umw.de/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/neb-2024 |
Do you have general questions or need advice on your application? Our EPC team will be happy to help you:
Contact at EPC:

Head of Unit "Joint Research Activities" / EPC Contact Eng. Sc.
NameMs Katja Böttcher
Horizon Europe, EDF, Cooperations
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden