Dec 07, 2020
UPDATE - Have your say and participate in online consultations of the EU
Consultation on the 8th Environment Action Programme - supporting the European Green Deal
The European Commission has presented the proposal for a decision on the 8th Environment Action Programme (EAP) and has opened a public consultation on it.
The public consultation is open to all citizens and interested organizations, including research institutes and universities. The consultation response can be submitted in any of the official languages of the EU and is open until 31st December 2020.
» Consultation on 8th Environment Action Programme
» Proposal for decision on 8th Environment Action Programme
» Website of the Environment Action Programme
Roadmap for preparation of a new EU forest strategy & Revision of the Regulation on Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry
Under the European Green Deal, the Commission has announced a new EU forest strategy. The strategy will aim to ensure healthy & resilient forests that contribute to biodiversity, climate goals & secure livelihoods, and that support a circular bioeconomy. It will focus on EU forest protection, restoration & sustainable management, and on world forests where not already covered.
On 30th October 2020 the European Commission has published a roadmap outlining the process for the new strategy. All interested persons or organizations, including scientists and research organizations, are invited to provide feedback on the roadmap as well as the possible elements of the planned strategy.
Feedback to the roadmap is possible until 4th December 2020. The start of the public consultation is not yet known.
Also open for feedback is the European Commission’s regulation on land use, land use change and forestry. The goal is to increase this sector’s efforts to reduce emissions and maintain and enhance carbon removals. Feedback to the roadmap can be submitted until 26th November 2020.
The public consultation on the revision of the Regulation on Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF Regulation) is open until 5th February 2021.
» Feedback on roadmap for EU Forest Strategy
» Feedback on roadmap for revision of regulation on Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry
» Consultation on revision of regulation on Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry
» Website of the European Commission on EU Forestry
Healthy soils – Roadmap and Consultation to prepare a new EU soil strategy
The European Commission is currently preparing a new strategy for the protection of soils with the title „New Soil Strategy – healthy soil for a healthy life“ and has invited feedback on it.
All interested persons and organization are invited to provide feedback to the roadmap and participate in the public consultation, e.g. member states, agriculture industry, NGOs, research organizations, universities as well as the general public.
Feedback to the Roadmap can be submitted until 10th December 2020. The public consultation will be opened later.
» Consultation Healthy Soils – a new EU Soil Strategy
» Current thematic strategy for soil protection (2006)
» Website EU Soil Policy
Consultation on EU Action Plan „Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil“
The European Commission has opened a public consultation to gather views from citizens and stakeholders on an EU Action Plan “Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil”. The European Green Deal announced that to protect Europe’s citizens and ecosystems, the EU needs to move towards a zero pollution ambition, and better prevent and remedy pollution from air, water, soil, and consumer products. To address these interlinked challenges, in 2021 the Commission will adopt a Zero Pollution Action Plan.
All citizens and the wider community of stakeholders are welcome to express their views – more specifically those affected by pollution and by the rules that aim to limit it.
The consultation is open until 10th Februar 2021.
» Consultation „Zero Pollution Action Plan“
» Roadmap „Zero Pollution Action Plan“
» Informationen about „Zero Pollution Action Plan“
» European Green Deal
Consultation EU renewable energy rules
The European Commission has opened a public consultation for the review and revision of the Renewable Energy Directive to ensure that renewable energy contributes to the achievement of the increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target set in the 2030 Climate Target Plan for 2030, as well as to implement the measures proposed in the Energy System Integration and Hydrogen strategies, the Renovation wave initiative, and other initiatives adopted under the European Green Deal.
The consultation is open until 9th February 2021.
Consultation EU energy efficiency directive
The Commission is preparing a review and a revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive (Directive). The evaluation will assess the existing framework of the Directive since its entry into force in 2012. The findings of the evaluation will then offer the basis for what needs to be streamlined, strengthened, added or changed in the Directive in order to address the remaining ambition gap to the 2030 EU energy efficiency targets, to deliver the increased EU greenhouse emissions reduction target of at least 55% by 2030, and to ensure synergies with the other Green Deal initiatives, notably the review of the Renewable Energy Directive, the Renovation Wave and the EU Strategy on Energy System Integration.
The objective of this consultation is to seek stakeholder views on both the evaluation of the Directive and its revision.
The consultation is open until 9th February 2021.https
EU Action Plan Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil
The purpose of this consultation is to gather views from citizens and stakeholders on an EU Action Plan “Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil”. The European Green Deal announced that to protect Europe’s citizens and ecosystems, the EU needs to move towards a zero pollution ambition, and better prevent and remedy pollution from air, water, soil, and consumer products. To address these interlinked challenges, in 2021 the Commission will adopt a Zero Pollution Action.
The consultation is open until 10th February 2021.