May 11, 2021
New European Bauhaus Prizes 2021!
The New European Bauhaus has the ambition to make the Green Deal a cultural, human-centred and positive, tangible experience. Everyone should be able to feel, see and experience the green and digital transformation and the way it enhances our quality of life.
The first New European Bauhaus prizes will showcase good practices, examples, and concepts that clearly illustrate the New European Bauhaus values of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion.
There will be Prizes in 10 different categories:
- Techniques, materials and processes for construction and design
- Building in a spirit of circularity
- Solution for the co-evolution of built environment and nature
- Regenerated urban and rural spaces
- Products and life style
- Preserved and transformed cultural heritage
- Reinvented places to meet and share
- Mobilisation of culture, arts and communities
- Modular, adaptable and mobile living solutions
- Interdisciplinary education models
In each of the categories there are two parallel competition strands:
- New European Bauhaus Awards for existing completed examples/projects
- New European Bauhaus Rising Stars for concepts or ideas submitted by young talents aged 30 or less
The winners in each category will receive:
- EUR 30 000 and a communication package for the New European Bauhaus Awards
- EUR 15 000 and a communication package for the New European Bauhaus Rising Stars
Further information:
Deadline for applications: 31 May 2021.
Contact at EPC:

Project Manager / EPC Contact School of Civil and Environ. Eng.
NameMs Claudia Hawke
Horizon Europe
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden