Nov 12, 2015
ERA-IB-2, ERASynBio, ERA-MBT: 7th transnational joint call " Industrial Biotechnology" launched
ERA-IB-2 launches, in cooperation with ERASynBio and ERA-MBT, a seventh international joint call for multilateral research projects using Industrial Biotechnology (IB). The main purpose of this call is to generate joint European research and development activities and to stimulate and unify researchers and academics who specialise in the area of Industrial Biotechnology to work closely together and share funding and research projects. Through the collaboration between these three ERA-nets more funding will be available and the geographical coverage is expanded.
With this joint call, ERA-IB-2, ERASynBio and ERA-MBT want to foster the integration of different steps of the whole value chain. The call covers the following: ‘Industrial biotechnology for Europe: an integrated approach’.
Funding is available for innovative, industry relevant Industrial Biotechnology projects on the following topics:
- Conversion of industrial by-products and biomass into value-added products;
- Novel systems for new or more sustainable processes using bio-catalysts such as enzymes, micro-organism and cell-free biosynthesis systems from natural or synthetic origins. This includes orthogonal biosystems, minimal genome approaches and protocells;
- Compounds by understanding and engineering metabolic pathways including synthetic biology approaches;
- Process development, intensification and/or integration in existing industrial processes e.g. upstream or downstream design, scale-up of biotechnological processes.
Consortia consisting of a least three partners (legal entities) requesting and/or providing fund from, at least, three different ERA-IB-2, ERASynBio and/or ERA-MBT member countries/regions contributing to the call. All partners should contribute significantly to the development and execution of research project activities.
The participation of an industrial partner in the consortium is recommended but not mandatory.
The deadline for submitting proposals is 1 February 2016 (13:00 CET). Projects are expected to start in late 2016.
Please refer to the following further information:
Head of Unit "Individual and Network Activities"
NameMs Friederieke Noack
Horizon Europe (MSCA, ERC)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden