Oct 30, 2015
ESF Junior Research Groups: New internal deadline announced
Within the framework of the ESF directive "Higher Education and Research 2014-2020", joint research work of junior research groups (up to ten junior researchers) is eligible for funding. Applications can be submitted at a fixed annual date.
In the last round of applications, these funds were considerably oversubscribed; a total of 63 applications were submitted to the University Management Board, of which 17 projects for young researcher's groups were TU-internally prioritized and forwarded to the granting authority. Only two projects of these 17 projects were approved for funding with a total amount of EUR 5.1 million.
The Free State of Saxony announced that approx. EUR 3.45 million in this funding scheme will be made available for Technische Universität Dresden within the next call for applications. In order to comply with the TUD-internal pre-evaluation and prioritization procedure, applications for projects with a planned starting date in 2016 have to submit an informal, two-sided project proposal to the EPC in advance. The internal deadline is 13 November 2015.
Contact person at EPC
Head of Unit "Structural Funds Saxony"
NameMr Dominique Philipp Brinke
ESF Plus, Federal ESF Plus, ERDF/JTF
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden