Dec 03, 2020
Erasmus+ Project TEFCE - Launch of TEFCE Toolbox
Newly launched ‘TEFCE Toolbox’ supports universities’ community engagement without using metrics or ranking
The EU-funded project „Towards a European Framework for Community Engagement of Higher Education“ (TEFCE) has launched the TEFCE Toolbox, an institutional self-reflection framework that supports universities to improve how they address societal needs through partnerships with their external communities. Developed and piloted over three years through a process involving 180 experts and practitioners from eight EU Member States, the TEFCE Toolbox presents an innovative, robust and holistic framework to support universities’ community engagement.
Universities play a crucial role in addressing societal needs, from supporting social development at the local level to helping solve global societal challenges. Community engagement refers to how universities address societal needs through partnerships with their communities. The term 'communities' can include public authorities, businesses, schools, cultural institutions and civil society, but also socially vulnerable groups that do not easily connect with higher education.
More information in the following video:
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