Research Promotion
In Unit 5.1 - Research Promotion, you will receive expert advice on funding programs from the DFG, BMBF and other public funding sources. Our team has program-specific knowledge of research funding and is looking forward to supporting your proposals.

Research Projects Funded by National and State Resources
The services address those scientists of TU Dresden, having successfully finalized the initial project phase – from developing the project idea to the elaboration of a precise project application. The following step is to submit a project application or to stipulate contractual details. Please allow your contact persons to support you in organizational and especially contractual topics like
- Information about continous research programmes.
- The application for public funding by national or state resources for research projects;
- The elaboration of contracts and their negotiation with the project partners;
- The correct classification into economic and non-economic activities;
- Budgeting.
Please note that contracts with external parties will only be valid with the legally binding signature of TU Dresden. This legally binding signature can be granted in Unit 5.1. Furthermore, for each research project a separate project number (PSP-Element) is created for the TU Dresden internal controlling system.
To keep the administrative effort low, TU Dresden provides a range of contract templates to its scientists. These contract templates are continually updated in accordance with current legal requirements. Specific project constellations or demands of the project partners can require deviations from the templates. Please consult your contact person in time to harmonize those individual contractual issues.
Our common goal it is to eliminate all possible obstacles from the proposal of a research project until the actual start of the project and to accomplish an optimum of legal contractual provisions for you and the TU Dresden.
In case your organisational unit of TU Dresden requires more help than “just” consultation and advice during the preparation phase for a publicly funded research project we might be able to grant such by means of the research pool.