Nov 28, 2020
New publication at "Forschung & Lehre" by the Service Center Research Data
Manage research data successfully
The "Service Center Research Data" is giving advice on all topics regarding research data management (RDM). It is a cooperation between ZIH and SLUB. More than 100 research groups used the service in the last two years. Researchers seek advice because they want to integrate RDM into their research routines. At the same time, they are unsure about how to tackle the task. Based on a number of key questions, the Service Center provides a systematic start into RDM. To simplify the task, a multi-stage model was developed: The starting point is a reflection about the connections and dependencies inside of one's own data storage. After building the foundation, one can articulate the requirements for supporting technologies, find fitting solutions, and finally, adhere to the relevant guidelines in an efficient and sustainable manner.
More information can be found at Forschung & Lehre