What is the technologyportal-box?
The technology portal box is the interface between the WebCMS of TUD and the DRESDEN Technology Portal (DTP).
Why would I need a technologyportal-box?
With the help of the Technology Portal Box, entries on devices and services from the DRESDEN Technology Portal can be provided automatically and synchronously on the websites of the TUD Dresden University of Technology. Changes in the DTP are thus automatically displayed in the technology portal box, so that the information provided is always up-to-date and time-consuming. Doubling maintenance in two systems (data redundancy) is no longer necessary.
Example of an integrated technology portal box with services from the Mediezentrum:
LiDAR Real-time 3D Sensor
Manufacturer: Velodyne LiDAR
Model: PUCK™ VLP-16
Velodyne LiDAR PUCK™
"Velodyne's new Puck, VLP-16 sensor is the smallest, and most advanced product in Velodyne’s 3D LiDAR product range. Vastly more cost-effective than similarly priced…
To the instrument
High-Speed Camera
Manufacturer: Photron
Model: Fastcam SA-X2 Stereo
Technical Details:
Resolution: 1024 x 1024 Pixel (1 MegaPixel)
High-Speed: 12.500 pictures per sec. (full resolution)…
To the instrument
Manufacturer: PMD Technologies AG
Model: CamCube 2.0
Technical Details:
Distance Range Measuring Camera
Resolution: 204 x 204 Pixel (3D-information for each pixel)
Measurement: 0,3 .. 7,0 m
Frame Rate: up to 60 3d-pictures per…
To the instrument
Thermal Camera
Manufacturer: FLIR® Systems
Model: A65sc (Ax5-Serie)
Technische Details:
Ungekühltes Mikrobolometer-Array
640 Pixel x 512 Pixel, max. 60 Hz
45° x 37° / 25° x 20° FOV @ 13 mm / 25 mm Festbrennweite
Bandbreite: 7.5 µm - 13 µm……
To the instrument
Manufacturer: strassentest
Model: 0815a
laut und zerstörend…
To the instrument
Der Holzbalkenprüfstand dient einem Test von Innendämm- und Einbauvarianten. Da dieser Prüfstand die simultane Überwachung von sechs Aufbauten mit Holzbalkenköpfen ermöglicht, können gleichzeitig…
To the instrument
Manufacturer: FEI
Model: Quanta 250 FEG ESEM
Das Institut für Baustoffe verfügt seit Dezember 2014 über ein neues Niederdruck-Rasterelektronenmikroskop mit Feldemissionskathode, Typ QUANTA FEG 250 (FEI) . Das Mikroskop ist ausgestattet mit…
To the instrument
Der Prüfstand dient einer Luftdurchlässigkeitsmessung von Bauteilen unter Laborbedingungen. Mit seiner Hilfe können u.a. Fugendichtheit und Leckagevolumenstrom bestimmt sowie weitere Elemente wie…
To the instrument
Tensile creep rig / Zugkriechstand
Manufacturer: WPM Leipzig
Keywords: Dauerstandsversuch, Kriechversuch, Zugbelastung,
Features: max. Probenlänge 1200 mm, mit Nachregelung der Kriechverformung…
To the instrument
How do I use the technologyportal-box?
The technologyportal-box is supplied by the TUD WebCMS. To create it yourself, follow these steps:
- Log in as editor in the WebCMS of TU Dresden.
- Switch to the "Resources" folder.
- Switch to the "Boxes" folder.
- Select the "Technology portal box" via "Add" and make the desired settings for the technology portal box. Then create the technology portal box via "Save".
- Switch to the desired web page where you want to insert your created technology portal box. Select your TP box via the "Insert box" icon. Done!
You can find instructions for the technology portal box in the following video. In addition to the creation of a technology portal box for instruments, the video contains the creation of another technology portal box for services as well as additional information about the various display options for the content.
If you have any further questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the staff of the technology portal.