ESF Plus PhD Scholarship Program
Table of contents
The aim of the funding program is to exploit the individual educational potential of academic specialists, especially women, by expanding their skills with regard to a stable, green, sustainable and digital economy in the Free State of Saxony. Academic specialists are to gain improved entry opportunities into Saxony's science and industry through qualification within the framework of a doctorate. Funding is provided for projects aimed at qualifying young academics through research work as part of doctorates. Below you will find all the necessary information on funding1.
The following forms of doctorate2 can be funded:
- Federal innovation doctorates that explore topics of special interest for the Free State of Saxony and are expected to have an impact on the Saxon labor market.
- Industry-sponsored doctorates that do have a common interest with the involved third parties (companies, research institution) situated in the Free State of Saxony and the TU Dresden.
(It is sufficient if the companies or research institutions maintain an operating or research facility in Saxony. The headquarters of the company/institution can be located outside the program area.) - Doctorates improving the reconcilability of scientific career and family that serve the continuation of the doctorate after a family-related interruption of academic research. Family-related interruptions within the terms of the guideline are interruptions of at least six months to take parental leave or to care for relatives in need of care. Proof must be submitted with the application.
- Combination of industry-sponsored doctorate and doctorate improving the reconcilability of scientific career and family. Corresponding proof of eligibility for funding for both forms of doctoral studies must be submitted with the application.
Type and Scope
Funding period: | The PhD scholarship is granted up to a period of four years until the submission of the dissertation thesis. |
Volume: |
Application deadline: | June 3rd, 2024 |
Earliest start of funding: | January 1st, 2025. A later start can be permitted on the first day of each month (deadline for end of funding December 31st, 2028 remains!) |
Latest end of funding: | December 31st, 2028 |
Information on application and application documents
not announced by now
The following information is important and required for your application. The Program Description (PDF) [in German only] contains detailed information on the funding conditions and application modalities. Please also read our Remarks on the Application Documents (PDF) [in German only].
Application Documents
Not all application documents are barrier-free. If you need the Letter of recommendation as a barrier-free document, please contact the team of the Graduate Academy (e-mail:
Please note: The application documents have to be submitted in GERMAN ONLY or with a certified translation in German. Documents in English will not be accepted according to the requirements of the funding authority. Exception: Letter of Recommendation and last university certificate can be submitted in English.
- Online data form
- SAB Cover Sheet (PDF)
- digitally with all other application documents via e-mail
- additionally in original (paper form with handwritten signature!) to the Graduate Academy (Mommsenstr. 07 | 01069 Dresden)
- Cover Sheet for the description of the doctoral project (PDF) [in German only]
- Annex (PDF)for Statement of reasons for the specific eligibility and relevance of the research project [in German only] (Please note: Remarks on the Application Documents (PDF))
- Annex (PDF) for Industry-sponsored doctorates: Letter of intent of co-financing by the involved third party incl. with confirmation of the requirement for the cooperation agreement that may follow at a later date
- Letter of Recommendation (PDF)
to be submitted by the potential supervising professor or Young Investigator at TU Dresden with whom the supervision agreement was/will be signed. - Please refer to the Program Description (PDF)and Remarks on the Application Documents (PDF) for any further application documents to be submitted.
Submission of application
The complete application must be submitted
- in GERMAN ONLY (Exception: Letter of Recommendation)
- within the deadline
- in the given order (according to the checklist in: Program Description and Remarks on the Application Documents)
- as one digital PDF file
- with the subject "ESF Plus PhD scholarship program 2024" to the email address .
Questions regarding the application and selection process:
Eligible are:
- all prospective doctoral candidates at TU Dresden, provided that the doctoral thesis topic meets the above criteria.
- Doctoral students of the TU Dresden, if the funding serves the continuation of the scientific research after a family-related interruption (at least six months)
Not eligible are:
- Individuals, who have already been employed for at least three years as junior researchers in a junior researcher, junior research group or REACT research group funded by the ESF/ESF Plus. This does not include SHK/WHK activities in one of the above-mentioned research groups.
- Individuals, who have already received other doctoral funding before submitting their application (doctoral scholarships from organisations for the promotion of the gifted, foundations, state funding programmes, DAAD, etc.). This does not include those who fulfil the conditions for projects to reconcile family and academic career.
- for Federal innovation doctorates: Individuals, who already started the PhD project Please note: The acceptance as a doctoral candidate at the respective faculty is considered as the official start of the PhD. At the time of application, no acceptance at the faculty may have taken place.
Highly eligible are PhD projects:
- are practice-oriented or interdisciplinary research,
- involve the development of competencies in the field of the European Green Deal,
- include the development of competences in the field of digitisation
- are realised by women in the MINT or KI fields or
- are based in the cultural field.
Please note in this regard: Annex zur Begründung zur besonderen Förderwürdigkeit und Relevanz des Forschungsthemas [in German only]
If the planned project contributes with special measures to the implementation of the ESF Plus principle of sustainable development, this will also be taken into account in the evaluation.
Please note in this regard: Remarks on the application documents [in German only]
You can start already with your PhD project the day the SAB received your application. But the applicant is responsible for the risk that his:her application is rejected. We recommend to wait for the response of the EPC if your application could be forwarded to the SAB or if your application could not be considered.
Considering the funding conditions of the directive (point II. A. 4.) there is initially no exclusion of doctoral projects.
However, according to the SMWK, funding a PhD during the undergraduate medical studies is excluded: according to II.A.6.a) of the ESF guideline of the SMWK, the doctoral candidates have to use the funding period mainly for the research project in the context of the doctorate. At the same time, full-time study and doctoral studies are not compatible within the scope of the ESF-funded projects.
The eligibility of doctoral scholarships reconciling scientific work and family requires the resumption of the scientific work “directly” after the end of the parental leave. Taking up paid work to secure the livelihood between the actual end of the parental leave and the actual start of the scholarship is permissible. However it is not permitted to resume working on the doctoral thesis in this transitional period (between the end of parental leave and the start of ESF funding). Any infringement will harm the grant. The supervising professor has to confirm that the work on the doctoral thesis has not been resumed after the completion of the parental leave.
The selection of applicants for an ESF PhD scholarship takes place in a two-stage selection process. The prioritisation of the submitted funding applications is carried out by the Executive Board of the Graduate Academy on behalf of the Rectorate of TU Dresden. After successful prioritisation, the applications will be submitted to the Sächsische Aufbaubank (SAB) by the European Project Center (EPC). After evaluation by the SAB and the Sächsische Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus (SMWK), the European Project Center (EPC)is responsible for the administration of the funded doctorates.
The ESF-scholarships are awarded in a competitive process. The criteria are:
- qualification of the applicant (academic performance, publications, prizes/awards)
- quality of the letter of recommendation and the
- gender parity in participation
- completeness and timely submission of application documents
A fundamental legal right to claim funding within the ESF PhD scholarship program does not exist.
Please note: A special consideration is given in the selection process to the criteria for PhD projects stated in the call for applications (see also FAQ - Question 2). Moreover the draft of the research project has to be sufficiently explained and in a comprehensible form.
Please refer to the CHECKLIST within the Program Description and Remarks on the Application Documents
When completing the SAB Cover Sheet [in German only] , there are some peculiarities to which we would like to refer:
- The "type of doctorate" is compulsory to choose (Federal innovation doctorates, cooperative doctorate procedure, Doctorates improving the reconcilability of scientific career and family, Industry-sponsored doctorates).
- The topic of the doctoral thesis must be written in German, even if you are doing a PhD in English. As a general rule, the entire application for an ESF scholarship must be submitted in German. There are two exceptions: the last university certificate may be in English as well as the letter of recommendation.
- The "Stichtag" to be entered is not the application deadline of the Graduate Academy, but the date on which the applications have to be submitted to the SAB. Please use the appropriate "Stichtag" according to the call for applications on this website.
- "Dauer des Vorhabens" (Duration of the project): This means the funding period you are applying for your PhD project. Please mind the respective earliest start of funding in accordance with the call for applications. A maximum of four years can be applied for (48 months) - the time and work schedule must be set in the exposé according to this funding period. The grant ends with the submission of the dissertation, not with the defense. As a general rule, funding always starts on the first day of the month (not at the middle or end of the month) and expires at the end of a month, e.g., for a 48-months grant: 01.01.2025 – 31.12.2028.
- Requested grant: Please enter here the total amount of EUR resulting from the monthly grant (EUR 1,700 or EUR 850 for industry doctorares) multiplied with the requested funding period, e.g. 48 months x EUR 1,700 EUR = EUR 81,600.
- Further PhD funding: If you have received funding for your doctoral project before applying (e.g., a scholarship or employment contract during the doctoral period), you are no longer eligible to apply for the ESF program. An exception here is solely the form "doctorates improving the reconcilability of scientific career and family", where it is allowed to start the PhD project before a family-related interruption. For all other forms a previous start of the doctorate in the ESF program is not permitted or not fundable within the program!
- Signatures:
- Applicants must sign twice the cover sheet on page 1 at the box "Promovend:in" and on page 2 the Privacy Policy.
- The cover sheet must be stamped next to the signature of the supervising professor (e.g., institute stamp)
- For cooperative doctorate procedure and industry-sponsored doctorates signatures and stamps of the other persons or companies in charge are required as well on page 2.
- In the case of the form "doctorates improving the reconcilability of scientific career and family", details of the family-related interruption must be entered completely on page 2.
- Information about the Annex (Anlagen) on page 2: Please note that all additional documents, which are listed in the respective call for applications on this website, have to be submitted to the Graduate Academy together with the cover sheet in due time.
Submission of the SAB cover sheet :
- digitally with all other application documents via e-mail
- additionally in original (paper form with handwritten signature!) to the Graduate Academy (Mommsenstr. 07 | 01069 Dresden)
Read carefully the "Hinweise zur Erstellung der Projektbeschreibung" (page 3) in den Remarks on the application documents [in German only].
Please make sure to use the digitally writable Cover Sheet for the description of the doctoral project [in German only].
Questions regarding the funding modalities:
As a grant holder you are obliged to register as a member at the Graduate Academy, as far as you are not already a member at the start of the grant. Furthermore, ESF-awardees have to submit every six months a progress report to the EPC. If any cooperation partners are involved in your PhD project they do also have to sign this report. Further information can be found in your letter of award.
The funding authority is entitled to reduce the funding in an amount of a monthly rate, if the awardee does not yield the required qualification measures. A source and disposition statement has to be submitted to the funding authority within two months’ time after the funding has expired. The funding authority is entitled to keep the last monthly rate (final installment) and to pay it out after proving the source and disposition statement.
Yes, during the funding period further qualification measures have to be yield. The grant holders should improve their personal potentials and knowledge about equality. Participation in the field of equality is mandatory. In addition, participation in one of the fields teaching, social competences and project management is required. In the field of teaching, the scope for teaching hours should not exceed two semester hours per week.
Yes, sideline activities are permitted during the funding period up to a maximum of ten hours per week. The gainful employment should not affect the progress of the PhD project.
No, the grants are not subject to social insurance contribution, because according to § 3 Nr. 44 Income Tax Act (EStG) they are exempt from taxation. Reception of the grant does not constitute an employment relationship and thus does not represent a payment according to § 14 Social Insurance Code (SGB) IV. As a result, the funding is not subject to social insurance contribution. It is the grant holder's sole responsibility to arrange for all her necessary personal and property insurances. Financial assistance in case of illness or contributions to health insurance cannot be granted.
In regards to industry-sponsored doctoral projects please contact the Graduate Academy.
No, because the grants do not constitute an employment relationship, your health is not insured via the TU Dresden. As it is obligatory to be sufficiently health insured, it is your own responsibility to procure a health insurance and cover its costs. Neither does the grant include an accident or third party liability insurance. We therefore highly recommend you arrange for those insurances as well.
In regards to industry-sponsored doctoral projects please contact the Graduate Academy.
As far as the funding authority upon individually consultation agrees and the respective terms and conditions of the GA-funding program are met, you are allowed to apply for the offered funding programs of the Graduate Academy.

Coordinator Funding Programs
NameMs Ekaterina Schacht M.A.
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visitors Address:
Graduiertenakademie Mommsenstraße 7
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
Please arrange an appointment for advice via e-mail!
Office hours by phone:
Monday and Wednesday | 9 - 11:30 am
All information is provided in accordance to Richtlinie des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus zur Förderung von aus dem Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus mitfinanzierten Vorhaben in den Bereichen Hochschule und Forschung im Freistaat Sachsen für die Förderperiode 2021 bis 2027 (ESF Plus RL 2021-2027 Hochschule und Forschung) from September 1st, 2022 and Richtlinie des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr mit allgemeinen Bestimmungen zur Förderung von aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE), dem Fonds für einen gerechten Übergang (JTF) sowie dem Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus (ESF Plus) mitfinanzierten Vorhaben in der Förderperiode 2021 bis 2027 im Freistaat Sachsen from Dezember 9th, 2022. A fundamental legal right to claim funding does not exist.
(The listed doctorate forms may also be performed in the interaction of TU Dresden and technical colleges Fachhochschule / Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften) as a cooperative doctorate procedure in accordance with § 40 para. 4 of the Law on Freedom of Universities in the Free State of Saxony (SächsHSFG).