Back-to-Research Grant
Table of contents
In brief
The Free State of Saxony provides funding for the promotion of researchers (doctoral candidates and postdocs) to return to academia after an interruption due to family affairs of at least 9 months with the aim of supporting the completion of their scientific work.
The membership at Graduate Academy is not required to be eligible within this funding program. Please mind that applications in English are not accepted.
- Funding period: a maximum funding period of 1 year for the completion of the doctorate
- Extent of funding: The basic monthly grant consists of EUR 985.00 for doctoral candidates and a family allowance of EUR 100.00 per month and child (pursuant to FördRL Wiedereinstieg, II, 3.c)
- Application deadlines: 31st March
30th September - Earlist start of grant: 1st July (deadline 31st March)
1st January (deadline 30th September)
Application & application documents
JUNE 26th, 2024 - September 30th, 2024
Program description
with detailed information on the application process
and references to further mandatory application documents
Application documents:
- Online-Application
[Caching of data not possible!] - 1st Letter of Recommendation
from your first academic supervisor or young investigator at TU Dresden - 2nd Letter of Recommendation
from a second academic supervisor, researcher at postdoctoral level or a junior research group leader - Statement of the faculty
- All further application documents to be submitted, please refer to the Program description
The application has to be submitted in the following mentioned order without a folder, nor tacked or clamped
- in due time,
- in paper only and
- in German language
via regular mail to:
TU Dresden
Graduate Academy | Funding Programs
Mommsenstraße 7
01069 Dresden
No subsequent submissions are possible after the application deadline.
Incomplete applications are excluded from the selection procedure for formal reasons.
Doctoral candidates or postdocs particularily in the field of the natural sciences and technology (MINT fields) at the TU Dresden.
Eligible are
- researchers, who return to academia after having interrupted their scientific career at an advanced stage (for at least nine months) for family commitments, to complete doctorates and habilitations* and
- preparatory measures that allow female postdoctoral scholars to return to academia after they have gained at least 3 years of qualified professional experience outside academia/university for being appointed to a university position.
* You are not eligible if you start to work again on your doctorate/habilitation after the end of your parental leave and before the scholarships starts. The scholarship must be the start of your return to your scientific work after the parental leave.
Funding is impossible for receivers of other publicly funded grants. These include:
a) fellowships funded by the Free State of Saxony
b) fellowships funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Research Foundation (DFG) or other publicly funded foundations
c) PhD and postdoc fellowships offered by the Saxon Ministry of Sciences and Arts
d) fellowships funded by a foundation for the promotion of talented young scholars (Begabtenförderungswerke)
Working as a senior student assistant can be compatible with receiving a scholarship, as a rule, if the employment as a senior student assistant does not exceed ten hours per week. In addition, the employment has to be within the academic context of the PhD or postdoc project and should contribute towards the purpose of the scholarship.
Applicantsmay not be older than 37 (doctorate) and 42 (postdoctoral degree/habilitation) years. Female postdocs applying for the preparatory measures to return to academia may not be older than 40 years. Doctoral students have to be academically qualified and have a university degree with a final grade not worse than „good“ and postdoctoral students a doctorate with a final grade not worse than „magna cum laude“.
Your supervising professor is the primary supervisor, who is officially responsible for you during your doctorate and who signed the supervision agreement. If you are a postdoc, the letter of recommendation should be submitted by the relevant professorship.
No, the grants are not subject to social insurance contribution, because according to § 3 Nr. 44 Income Tax Act (EStG) they are exempt from taxation. Reception of the grant does not constitute a employment relationship and thus does not represent a payment according to § 14 Social Insurance Code (SGB) IV. As a result, the funding is not subject to social insurance contribution. It is the grant holder's sole responsibility to arrange for all her necessary personal and property insurances. Financial assistance in case of illness, or contributions to health insurance cannot be granted.
No, because the grants do not constitute an employment relationship, your health is not insured via the TU Dresden. As it is obligatory to be sufficiently health insured, it is your own responsibility to procure a health insurance and cover its costs. Neither does the grant include an accident or third party liability insurance. We therefore highly recommend you arrange for those insurances as well.
As a matter of principle, yes, it is possible to pursue sideline activities and as well as to earn additional income during the funding period for up to 10 hours/week. Please inform the Studentenwerk Dresden immediately, if any changes should occur.
As a grant holder you are obliged to inform the Studentenwerk Dresden about all personal and economic changes that are relavant for the amount of your funding. Especially income changes may lead to a reduction of the amount of funding you receive.
The selection takes place by the executive committee of the Graduate Academy and the Equal Opportunities Officers of TU Dresden on the basis of the application handed in. The scholarships are awarded in a competitive process. The criteria are:
- qualification of the applicant (academic performance, publications, prizes/awards)
- quality of the letter of recommendation and the
- consideration of life circumstances (social criteria: e.g. children, family members in need of care).
A fundamental legal right to claim funding within this program does not exist.
The Studentenwerk Dresden (student administration office), Division of Student Financing, will be responsible for all further processing of your application after the funding decision of TU Dresden.
Coordinator Funding Programs
NameMs Ekaterina Schacht M.A.
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visitors Address:
Graduiertenakademie Mommsenstraße 7
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
Please arrange an appointment for advice via e-mail!
Office hours by phone:
Monday and Wednesday | 9 - 12 am