Prof. Dr. Stefan Horlacher
- Hristina Patčeva: "Conceptions of Female Identities in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights"
- Ulrike Kohn: "Intersexuality in Jeffrey Eugenides’s Middlesex"
- Clarissa Georgy: "Männlichkeit in John Cowper Powys’ Wolf Solent"
- Julia Pronk: "From Colonialism to Postcolonialism: Jane Eyre, Wide Sargasso Sea and the Question of Insanity"
- Anne Thalheim: "Hybrid Identities in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth, The Autograph Man and On Beauty"
Michaela Kohtz: "Functionalizing Femininity in John Fowles's Literary Work"
- Daniela Glöckner: "Construction of Gender Identity in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet and Leslie Feinberg’s Stone Butch Blues"
- Taimaa Haidar: "The Function of Religion and Femininity in Hanif Krueishi’s The Black Album"
Jenny Seibicke: "Dismantling Heteronormativity and Patriarchy: Monique Wittig's Theoretical Essays"
Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (Lehramt)
- Jann Moritz Kirst: "Romantic Heroes in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice"
- Ellen Blank: "Die Konstruktion von Weiblichkeit in John Fowles’ Romanen Mantissa, The Ebony Tower und The French Lieutenant’s Woman"
- Steffi Müller: "The Construction of Femininity in John Webster’s Plays"
- Henriette Peschke: "The Medial Construction of the New Woman at the End of the Nineteenth Century"
Franziska Teppner: "Existentialism in The French Lieutenant’s Woman"
- Gesine Wegner: "Femininity in David Lodge’s Novels: Or the Lack of Individuality"
- Jenny Seibicke: "The Concept of Adrogyny in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando as an Answer to the Patriarchal Binary System"
- Franziska Lehmann: "‘Give me the Body and Nature for Life’: The Regenerative Powers of Nature and Sexuality in Lady Chatterley’s Lover (1928) by D.H. Lawrence"
- Stefanie Kruszyk: "Power Struggles in Lady Chatterley’s Lover"
Franziska Hendreschke: "Psychoanalytische Ansätze zum Ödipuskomplex in Sons and Lovers"