Juliane Vogt
I am interested in different disturbance regimes and forest ecology in general. During my Diploma thesis I did research on gap-creating forces in human-influenced sweet chestnut coppices. The topic of my PhD was “Modeling gap dynamics, succession, and disturbance regimes of mangrove forests”. Within this project I studied the influence of natural and human-induced disturbances on the vitality and the maintenance of mangrove forests. The tools of choice for approaching the subject were remote sensing and computer simulations combined with on-site field work and validation. The integration of these methods now allows us to give management advice on long-term mangrove protection and restoration. Currently, I am involved in the development of a software tool for the selection of suitable tree species for urban areas. Due to the relatively hostile living conditions for trees within cities special background knowledge is needed to integrate woody plants successfully in urban areas. Toward this end, we are working on compiling and utilizing a database including hygienic, species-specific and aesthetical aspects.
Since 2007 academic staff member at the TU Dresden (Department Forest Biometry and Systems analysis)
Completed projects: - 2011 – 2012: Morphological adaptations of mangrove trees to environmental stress and their consequences for local plant interactions and regeneration patterns in degraded mangrove ecosystems. Scholarship by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- 2007 -2010: Modelling gap dynamics, succession, and disturbance regimes of mangrove forests. Scholarship by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- 2012 Graduation doctoral degree Dr. rer nat at the Technische Universität Dresden: Modelling gap dynamics, succession, and disturbance regimes of mangrove forests.
- 2007 Graduation Diplom-Geoökologe at the Universität Potsdam: Temporal and spatial dynamic of stool uprooting in abandoned chestnut coppice forests; Recommendations regarding an efficient coppice management
- Sten Gillner, Juliane Vogt, Andreas Roloff (2013). "Climatic response and impacts of drought on oaks at urban and forest sites", Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 12-4: 597-605
- Juliane Vogt, Annegret Skóra, Ilka C. Feller, Cyril Piou, Glenn Coldren, Uta Berger (2012). „Investigating the role of impoundment and forest structure on the resistance and resilience of mangrove forests to hurricanes“, Aquatic Botany 97:, Issue 1, 24-29
- Juliane Vogt, Markus Kautz, Martha Liliana Fontalvo Herazo, Tran Triet, Denny Walther, Ulrich Saint-Paul, Karen Diele, Uta Berger. (2011).“Do canopy disturbances drive forest plantations into more natural conditions? — A case study from Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Viet Nam“, Global and Planetary Change, Available online 21 September 2011 (110- Part B: 249–258 in Nov 2013
- Martha Liliana Fontalvo-Herazo, Cyril Piou, Juliane Vogt, Ulrich Saint-Paul, Uta Berger. (2011) „Simulating harvesting scenarios towards the sustainable use of mangrove forest plantations“, Wetlands Ecology and Management 19-5: 397-407
- Markus Kautz, Uta Berger, Dietrich Stoyan, Juliane Vogt, Nabiul Islam Khan, Karen Diele, Ulrich Saint-Paul, Tran Triet, Vien Ngoc Nam. (2011). „Desynchronizing effects of lightning strike disturbances on cyclic forest dynamics in mangrove plantations“, Aquatic Botany 95-3: 173-181
- Juliane Vogt, Patrick Fonti, Marco Conedera, Boris Schröder. (2006). “Temporal and spatial dynamic of stool uprooting in abandoned chestnut coppice forests”, Forest Ecology and Management 235: 88–95