Didactic advice for those active in political education
Table of contents
Counseling at JoDDiD means...
... thinking about a wide range of possibilities for democratic educational processes with people from the field. The JoDDiD team makes its entire diversity of perspectives available for these processes. We are: educators, consultants, researchers, theater makers, musicians, politicians, artists, teachers, photographers, etc.
JoDDiD functions as a political didactic expert and shows ways to deal with these and other questions:
How do I convey political topics?
How do I design democratic education?
How does democratic learning work?
JoDDiD offers advice on:
Project applications
JoDDiD asks how political didactic principles, such as the "Beutelsbacher Konsens" and scientific discourse and recommendations, are considered in the application descriptions.
The JoDDiD raises questions that help to concretize the content of the proposals and review descriptions of objectives and indicators for the achievement of objectives.
JoDDiD draws attention to areas that have so far received (too) little attention in civic education programs, including space-oriented approaches to civic education or interdisciplinary educational cooperation (theater, visual arts, music, sports, etc.).
With EINFACH GUT GEMACHT, JoDDiD offers an overview of exemplary projects as inspiration for your own project.
Concepts and materials
JoDDiD looks at educational offers and materials together with project actors and looks at them from a political didactic perspective. Depending on requirements, the JoDDiD has other perspectives in its case, such as the inclusive, racism-critical, discrimination-sensitive, language-sensitive, theoretical, etc. perspectives.
The JoDDiD refers to scientific research results and theories on political didactics, (political) education, democracy, learning, etc. as required and translates theory for practical use.
JoDDiD tests educational materials and provides professional feedback in consultation processes.
JoDDiD provides feedback on didactic and methodological planning or develops new ideas for implementation in joint brainstorming sessions with project participants.
The JoDDiD provides teams with moderative support in their conception processes.
Shared questions, topics and ideas
JoDDiD organizes spaces and moderates collegial case consultations on shared challenges in the extracurricular youth and adult education sector.
JoDDiD invites you to thematic consultation workshops under the title "Networked consultation" , such as "Civic education & sports".
Professions, people and publications
JoDDiD looks at who else can advise on the request - in addition to JoDDiD itself. Diversity of perspective is important to us.
JoDDiD recommends advisors in the field of political education, science and research.
JoDDiD arranges contacts with stakeholders in extracurricular and non-formal political youth and adult education.
JoDDiD recommends literature, material and studies on political education.
And in concrete terms? How does advice work at JoDDiD?
At the beginning, we work together to clarify what exactly needs to be advised, what advice is practicable for everyone and when the advice is successful and can be ended.
JoDDiD offers various analog and digital counseling formats. Together, we look at which of these is useful and practicable for your request.
We see ourselves as learners, which is why JoDDiD consulting stands for working together in a trusting and collegial manner, with a high degree of error tolerance and openness in our mutual exchange.
Just like John Dewey said JoDDiD is all about "learning by doing".
Contact us
We are always happy to receive requests for advice at: joddid@tu-dresden.de. Due to the background of our funding, our offer is aimed primarily at stakeholders from Saxony and those who are active in Saxony.