Mar 23, 2022
First networked consultation in the JoDDiD on sports and political education
In the first edition of our networked consultation under the motto: "EXTRA-CURRICULAR POLITICAL YOUTH AND ADULT EDUCATION IN THE TURNING HALL", we played with the two areas of "sport" and "political education".
The participants were
Julia Schulze Wessel and Steve Bittner
"b:all inclusive"
ANDEMOS - Institute for Applied Democracy and Social Research e.V.
Anna Hagedorn
"Uniting for democracy in sport"
State Sports Association of Saxony
Marko Arsenijevic
"Integration through sport"
State Sports Association of Saxony
Stephan Schneider
Initiative for more societal responsibility in popular sports - soccer (IVF)
Vera Ohlendorf
"Que(e)r through Saxony - mobile advice in rural areas"
Rosalinde Leipzig e.V.
Nick Heinz
TIAM e.V. - Trans-Inter-Active Central Germany
Freelance Advisor for topics such as sexual and gender diversity in sport
Antje Kettner
Lernkurve Leipzig, Fan Project Leipzig
Karsten Mahlberg
"Project for socio-political education at the Bildungswerk des Landessportbundes Sachsen e.V."
Anne Gehrmann and Solvejg Höppner
Mobile counseling against right-wing extremism, Kulturbüro Sachsen e.V.
Agnes Scharnetzky and Kathleen Markwardt
John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy (JoDDiD)
What approaches are there in Saxony to thinking about and bringing together "sport" and "political education"? Some and some very exciting ones, we think. Browsing through our invited projects is definitely worthwhile.
The consensus was that "sport" opens doors for education - there is a lot in team sport that can be transferred to political/democratic education processes and learning is sometimes better with movement than sitting still...
However, "sport" is still closed or exclusive in some places - traditional structures and mechanisms need to be questioned. Learning processes and topic development do not stop after the educational offer. Thinking about sustainability is therefore also important for the education sector, which often functions in one-day workshops. After half-time, we took a closer look together at places where people are on the move ("sports squares") and their potential and limits for democratic/political education - JoDDiD likes to play with the term "spatial approach" here.
What is still missing in Saxony: Projects on topics that are still not sufficiently present in the field of sport, such as gender diversity; more people who are in sports clubs and offer educational and advisory services on site or provide access to these services; opportunities to receive funding for innovative, e.g. space-related services outside of the usual funding logic.
Conclusion: There is great potential in sports/sports/"sports places"/athletes/etc. to make democracy tangible and to support political learning.
There is a lot of didactic joy of movement and creative energy in the Saxon stakeholder field. Many thanks to everyone who took part today.
We'll stay on the ball.