Goals & Responsibilties
Table of contents
The John Dewey Research Centre for the Didactics of Democracy sees itself as an innovation center in the field of civic education and has the task of researching, developing and making visible new formats, methods and teaching concepts. It thus supports Saxon stakeholders in extracurricular education in the preparation, new development and reflective evaluation of civic education programs against the background of a challenging social situation. In this context, the research center focuses on the area of extracurricular political youth and adult education in particular. Perspectives on civic education in schools are only relevant if they are related to extracurricular educational institutions. The John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy thus closes the gap between academic infrastructure and pedagogical educational practice in the context of professional exchange in (extracurricular) political youth and adult education.
The John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy invites stakeholders and providers of civic education to reflect on civic education as a field of activity with its specific and contemporary challenges in a stimulating environment and with an inquiring eye.
Research at the John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy is essentially focused on the question of how people can further develop their political judgment and action-taking capacity. It therefore conducts research on all questions relating to the didactics of civic education, but in this context it essentially relates to the monitoring, evaluation and support of projects, plans and sponsors in the federal state of Saxony. Here it can be useful to draw on experience from projects in other regional areas. However, the focus of the research work remains on the research center's place of activity in Saxony.
The John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy has the opportunity to evaluate third-party projects and plans in relation to the didactics of civic education. It is particularly interested in the question of how extracurricular political youth and adult education can succeed in opening up new target groups in and through different spaces and their design and in working with as many different people as possible at the same time on an equal footing in a discrimination-sensitive and lifeworld-oriented manner.
Research strategies that are decisive for the John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy are, on the one hand, participatory research strategies that actively involve the educational stakeholders and their target groups in their respective spheres of influence in the research process, as well as elements of so-called design-based research - a research method borrowed from the engineering sciences - which can generate new insights into the field and the effectiveness of models through the development of new models, strategies (designs) and their controlled implementation in the field (cf. Besand 2015). The research center conducts qualitative and quantitative research, but has particular expertise in the field of qualitative-ethnographic field research in order to be able to expertly record strategies and processes on site.
The John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy makes its research actively and widely visible. It shares its findings and ideas. In concrete terms, this means that all of the research center's areas of work come together on a (digital) platform. Research results are presented here as well as training and further education offers. Via this platform, the research center collects and presents central scientific and pedagogical-didactic findings on the areas of activity as well as methods and materials that it has tested and evaluated. Particularly proven formats and practical experiences are highlighted and explained in short texts, podcasts and interviews. The platform can be supplemented with analog publications and materials from the innovation lab.
In the innovation workshop, the research center identifies gaps in common formats, materials and methods of civic education and produces new, low-threshold and specifically space-related concepts and materials, which are made available in both digital and analog form. These new developments are made available to stakeholders in the field of extracurricular political youth and adult education for use and further development via the research center's shop and the chance to lend material. The research center's innovation labis also a place for third parties to come to develop, discuss and test new ideas, formats, materials and digital concepts through dialogue. In this sense, it functions as a laboratory and workshop and has both the infrastructure and the expertise to support third-party material development processes quickly and directly in line with requirements. As a real workshop, the Innovation Workshop therefore provides materials and machines to create or further develop educational materials.
The John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy has the task of reaching people whose access to civic education was previously difficult. Special attention is paid to the development of intervention-oriented and space-related formats that enable civic education in public, semi-public and/or digital spaces.
The John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy advises stakeholders and organizations in the development and implementation of future and/or ongoing projects and initiatives, but especially in the early phases of the conception and planning of projects and initiatives. This advice can take place on site or in the specially equipped counseling lab. The goal of the consultation is usually determined in an initial meeting together with the consultation participants - the focus of the consultation can nevertheless be described as didactic throughout. The duration of the counseling ranges from short counseling impulses in the context of application development processes to longer-term and networked support and training. The John Dewey Research Centre for the Didactics of Democracy pays particular attention to supporting not only organizations from urban centers, but also institutions, projects and initiatives in rural areas and in the context of small and medium-sized towns through its work.
The John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy offers both digital and analog training and further education events for stakeholders in extracurricular political youth and adult education in its consulting workshop. Experience gained during the pandemic has shown that digital training formats have proven particularly effective. The research center has therefore been working on a certified continuing education course entitled "Evening School" from the very beginning . This course can be used by participants free of charge and asynchronously and is aimed at a wide range of stakeholders in political youth and adult education.
In the context of training courses, the research center strives to cooperate with existing training courses. Particular attention is paid to training courses for stakeholders in youth and adult education, social work or professionals in the field of early childhood education.