Order information
Here you will find comprehensive information on our ordering and lending conditions, our data protection guidelines, the General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) and the options for sending us your feedback.
Table of contents
1. ordering information
If you are active in extracurricular political education in Saxony and would like to order or borrow our materials free of charge for one of your educational programs, you are welcome to send us an e-mail. Please state the desired product or material, the expected period and scope of use and a delivery address in the e-mail. By sending the e-mail, you declare that you have taken note of our data protection guidelines and general terms and conditions (GTCs) and agree to them.
Contact persons: inside: Maren Jung, Emma Puchta
Phone: +49 351 4634 1139
2. general terms and conditions
Here youwill find our General Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully, as they form the basis for all orders and loans.
3. privacy policy
Please also take careful note of our privacy policy, which you can find here and which contains important information about the processing of your personal data.
4. feedback
We value your feedback. If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement, please let us know here .