Dr. Oliviero Angeli

Projektkoordinator MIDEM
NameDr. Oliviero Angeli
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Chair of Political Theory and History of Political Thought
Chair of Political Theory and History of Political Thought
Visiting address:
von-Gerber-Bau, Raum 229 Bergstraße 53
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung
Short biography
since 2017 | Scientific Coordinator of Mercator Forum Migration and Democracy |
2016 - 2017 / 2019 | Parental leave |
05/2014 |
Guest lecturer at the Università degli Studi di Bologna |
2010 - 2013 | Research Associate at the Institute of Political Science at TU Dresden as part of the DFG project"The constitutionalization of transnational spaces" (under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hans Vorländer) |
since 2011 | Research Associate at the Chair of Political Theory and History of Ideas |
2010 | Doctorate with German-French double degree (thèse co-tutelle) at Saarland University and the Université François Rabelais Tours (France) |
2009 - 2010 | Research assistant at the SFB 804 "Transcendence and Common Sense", TU Dresden |
2007 - 2008 | Fellow SIAS Summer Institute on Citizenship and Migration (Institute for Advanced Study/Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin). Visiting scholar at Stanford University |
2007 - 2008 | Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence |
2007 | Research Associate at the Institute of Philosophy at Saarland University as part of the Volkswagen Foundation project 'The Legitimacy of European Integration: the Debate in the Old and New Member States of the European Union' (Project leader: Prof. Dr. Jean-Christophe Merle) |
2006 | Fellow of the Marc Bloch Center in Berlin (associate member from 2007) |
2005 - 2006 | Scholarship holder at the Center de Philosophie du Droit of the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) |
2004 - 2005 | Visiting researcher at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford and member of the Maison Française d'Oxford |
2003 - 2004 | Scholarship holder at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (Italy) |
2003 | Research Associate at the Institute of Philosophy at Saarland University |
since 2002 | Freelance lecturer at German universities (including Potsdam University and Saarland University) in political theory and practical philosophy |
2001 - 2002 | Postgraduate Master of European Studies at the European Center for Political Science and State Practice at the FU, HU and TU Berlin |
1994 - 2001 | Studies (Magister Artium) at the University of Tübingen: Philosophy and Political Science |
Core research areas
Political theory and history of ideas
Migration and integration research
Democracy research
Constitutional theory
Political philosophy
You can find some publications on theacademia.edu page.
Info on my new publications via twitter
- Migration und Demokratie. Ein Spannungsverhältnis, Reclam Verlag 2018.
- Buchbesprechung in der Radiosendung "Lesart" (Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 9.06.2018); Buchrezension in der Radiosendung "Sachbuch von hier" (MDR Kultur, 21.06.2018).
- Buchbesprechung in "Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung" (K. Reinhardt).
- Cosmopolitanism, Self-Determination and Territory, Palgrave Macmillan 2015.
- Buchbesprechung in der Radiosendung "Sein und Streit" (Deutschlandradio Kultur, 19.04.2015).
- Buchbesprechungen in "Perspectives On Politics" (M. Moore), "The Review of Politics" (C. Sandelind) und "Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte" (F. Dietrich).
- Territorial Rights and Global Justice, Doktorarbeit, Saarbrücken, Manuskript 2010.
- Volk und Nation als "Zukunftsbegriffe": politische Leitbilder im begriffsgeschichtlichen Kontext der Aufklärung, LIT-Verlag, Münster 2004.
- (mit Andreas Niederberger und Hans Vorländer) Migration - Herausforderungen im Spannungsfeld von Theorie und Praxis, Nomos (in Vorbereitung)
- (mit Thomas Rentsch, Nele Schneidereit und Hans Vorländer) Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant, Berlin 2013.
Articles and book contributions
In preparation
Mobilität und Immobilität, in Oliviero Angeli, Andreas Niederberger und Hans Vorländer (Hrsg.), Migration - Herausforderungen im Spannungsfeld von Theorie und Praxis, Nomos
- (with Cyrill Otteni) Migration und Wahlverhalten in Deutschland, in Heinz Ulrich Brinkmann und Karl-Heinz Reuband (Hrsg.) Rechtspopulismus in Deutschland: Wahlverhalten in Zeiten politischer Polarisierung. Wiesbaden: Springer
- Der Zusammenhang zwischen Migration und Rechtspopulismus: Drei Erklärungsansätze (with Cyrill Otteni), in: Migration und Soziale Arbeit, 2021(2), S. 131-138
- Territorial Rights, in International Encyclopedia of Ethics 2020.
- Migration und Europa (with Hans Vorländer), in: MIDEM-Jahresbericht 2019.
- Migration als Problem moderner Demokratien, in: Amos International. Internationale Zeitschrift für Christliche Sozialethik, 2/19,
- Migration und Populismus (with Hans Vorländer), in: MIDEM-Jahresbericht 2018.
- Global Constitutionalism and Constitutional Imagination, in: Global Constitutionalism 6(3), S. 359-376.
- Self-Determination and Sovereignty over Natural Resources, 2017, in: Ratio Juris 30(3), S.290-304.
- Freedom of movement and emigration pressures: a defence of immigration fees, in: Moral Philosophy and Politics, 2016, 3(2), S. 269-287.
- Is Unauthorized Immigration an Immoral Act? On David Miller’s ‘Weak Cosmopolitan’ Defense of the Right to Exclude, in: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy
- Konstitutionalismus jenseits des Staates, in: Marcus Llanque und Daniel Schulz (Hrsg.), Verfassungsidee und Verfassungspolitik, München/Wien, 2015.
- Der globale Rechtspositivismus und die konstitutionelle Imagination, in: Rainer Schmidt (Hrsg.), Zur Kritik des staatsrechtlichen Positivismus, Baden Baden, 2014.
- Der globale Konstitutionalismus, in: FIPH-Journal, 24, 2014.
- Kleingeschriebene Konstitutionalismen, in André Brodocz u.a. (Hrsg.), Die Verfassung des Politischen. Festschrift für Hans Vorländer. Wiesbaden 2014.
- Territoriality and Transnational Citizenship, in: J-C. Merle at al., Spheres of Global Justice, Springer, 2013.
- (with Hans Vorländer) Art. Libertarianism. In: USA-Lexikon, hg. von Rüdiger Wersich, Berlin. 2013.
- Das Volk als Transzendenz? Die 'Erfindung' des Volkes in Kants geschichts- und rechtsphilosophischen Schriften, in: Oliviero Angeli, Thomas Rentsch, Nele Schneidereit und Hand Vorländer (Hrsg.), Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant, Berlin, 2013.
- (mit Nele Schneidereit) Einleitung. Transzendente Geltungsgründe von Politik und praktische Gültigkeit von Transzendenz, in: Oliviero Angeli, Thomas Rentsch, Nele Schneidereit und Hans Vorländer (Hrsg.), Tranzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant, Berlin, 2013.
- Von der Gründung zur Begründung. Über die Rolle der Imagination im globalen Konstitutionalismus, in: H. Vorländer (Hrsg.), Demokratie und Transzendenz. Die Begründung politischer Ordnungen, Bielefeld, 2013.
Territoriality and Transnational Citizenship, in: J-C. Merle at al., Spheres of Global Justice, Springer, 2013. - Verfassungsidentität(en), in: J-C. Merle (Hrsg.), Die Legitimität von supranationalen Institutionen der EU, LIT Münster, 2012.
- Das Recht auf Einwanderung und das Recht auf Ausschluss, in: Zeitschrift für Politische Theorie 2 (2011).
- Kommentar auf Theorieblog (von Jan Brezger)
- Replik auf Theorieblog
- (with Holger Kolb) Nicht nur effizienter, sondern auch gerechter? Ein Modell preisbasierter Zuwanderungssteuerung, in: Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik (ZAR), Heft 8/2011.
- Taking Rights Territorially, SPS Working Papers, European University Institute, 2008.
- Die Furcht vor dem gerechten Krieg. Über Spinozas Weg zum Frieden, in: O. Neumaier et al (Hrsg.), Philosophische Perspektiven, Frankfurt a.M.: Ontos 2005.
- Überlegungen über die verfassungstheoretische Begründung des Föderalismus im Anschluss an die europäische Verfassungsdiskussion, in: j-C- Merle (Hrsg.), Globale Gerechtigkeit - Globale Gerechtigkeit - Global Justice, Stuttgart-Bad-Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog 2005.
Individual reviews
- Rezension von Cassee, Andreas: Globale Bewegungsfreiheit: Ein philosophisches Plädoyer für offene Grenzen, Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, 1/2017.
- Rezension von Armstrong, Chris: Sovereign Wealth Funds and Global Justice, Ethics and International Affairs, 27 (4).
- Rezension von Niesen, Peter: Kants Theorie der Redefreiheit, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2005, Archives de Philosophie Bulletin Kantien (i.E. 2010).
- Rezension von Tom Sorell & Luc Foisneau: Leviathan After 350 Years, Historia philosophica, 2006.
- Rezension von Marco Iorio: Karl Marx – Geschichte, Gesellschaft, Politik, Historia philosophica, 2004.
- Zahlreiche Konferenzrezensionen auf: www.mfo.ac.uk
Miscellaneous - Essays
Warum ukrainische Flüchtlinge gegenüber afghanischen bevorzugt werden, Meinungsartikel in „Die Welt“, 4. April 2023.
Das Warten der AfD auf den „populistischen Moment“, Meinungsartikel in „Die Welt“, 13. April 2022.
- Migration: Fluch und Segen rechter Parteien, Meinungsartikel in „Die Welt“, 15. März 2020.
- Merz reitet ein totes Pferd, Gastbeitrag im Spiegel, 2. März 2020.
- Das Märchen von der Sogwirkung, Gastbeitrag in Spiegel Online, 25 August 2019.
- Quel lien entre migration et montée des discours populistes?, Artikel in „Vues d’Europe. magazine européen de France terre d'asile“ (3. Ausgabe)
- Gefährliches Halbwissen, Perspektivenartikel in der Sächsischen Zeitung zu den Plänen der CSU in der Flüchtlingspolitik, 18. Juni 2018.
- Da ist auch die einheimische Bevölkerung in der Pflicht, Interview in der Welt, 26 Januar 2018.
- Eine echte Zerreißprobe, Perspektivenartikel in der Sächsischen Zeitung, 11. März 2017.
- Flüchtlinge: Sechs große Irrtümer in der Migrationsdebatte, Gastbeitrag in Spiegel Online, 21. September 2016
- Preisbasierte Migrationssteuerung, 'Standpunkt' in der Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), 3. März 2016
- Ab auf die Überholspur, Gastkommentar zum Thema Integrationsvertrag im Handelsblatt, 15. Februar 2016 english translation (paywall)
- Radio-Interview in "Zwischentöne" (Deutschlandfunk), 24. Januar 2016
- Teilnahme an der Podiumsdiskussion "Genug gejammert! Eine Suche nach Lösungen zur gelingenden Aufnahme Geflüchteter", organisert von der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (Saale), 3. Dezember 2015
- Forschung zu Flüchtlingen: Deutsche Unis, tut endlich etwas!, Gastbeitrag in Spiegel Online, 7. November 2015
- Legalize it!, Artikel im Focus (Nr. 18/15) 25. April 2015
- Es gibt eine moralische Mitschuld, Interview mit der Saarbrücker Zeitung zum Thema Migration, 24. April 2015
- Vom Umgang mit Flüchtlingen, Radio-Interview auf Deutschlandradio Kultur in der Sendung "Sein und Streit", 19. April 2015
- Gutachten zum Thema Integration und Interkulturalität
Scientific lectures and commentaries
Immigrazione ed emigrazione, guest lecture at the University of Bologna, April 29, 2021
- Populism. Lecture as part of the lecture series "Populism - Alles nur Parolen?", Saxon State Center for Political Education, September 10, 2020 , Grimma.
- Lecture on the topic "Die Identitätspolitische Organisation von Minderheiten" as part of the conference "Kritik der Identitätspolitik", Katholische Akademie Berlin, 20 February 2020.
- Lecture on "Right-wing populism and the limits of democratic migration control" at the conference "Migration, political autonomy and universal morality", University of Kassel, June 19, 2019
- Lecture on the topic "Schengen in danger? Zur Renationalisierung der Flüchtlingspolitik in der EU" at the conference "Europas Grenzen - Grenzen in Europa", Academy for Civic Education, Tutzing, 19 April 2019.
- Lecture on "The connection between migration and health from a political theory perspective" at the symposium "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Refugee Migration and Health", Bielefeld, February 22, 2019
- Lecture on the topic "Schengen in danger? On the renationalization of refugee policy in the EU" as part of the conference "Europe's Borders - Borders in Europe", Academy for Political Education, 2 April 2019
- Lecture on "Right-wing populism and the limits of democratic migration control" at the conference "Migration, political autonomy and universal morality", University of Kassel, June 29, 2019
- Lecture on "Migration and Democracy" as part of the Kontrovers event series, Ulm, November 23, 2018
- Lecture on the topic "Inclusion and Democracy", Leuphana University. 8 November 2018
- Participation in the panel discussion "Migration and Democracy" as part of the Erlangen Poets Festival, August 25, 2018
- Lecture on the topic "When are borders really open? Political Theory of Migration and Realism" as part of the appointment procedure for the W2 Chair of Political Theory at the University of Potsdam, May 29, 2018
- Migration and Populism: Empirical and Normative Perspectives, lecture at the Philosophical Colloquium of the University of Duisburg-Essen, May 3, 2018
- Political Implications of the Migration - Development - Nexus, lecture at the annual conference of the Swiss Forum for Vocational Education and International Cooperation (FoBBIZ), Bern (Switzerland), November 17, 2017.
- Crisis Legislation, lecture at the fall conference of the Network Migration Law, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, November 11, 2017.
- Lecture as part of the intercultural week (organized by the Afro-European Union e. V.), Kiel, 30 September 2017.
- Lecture at the event "Politik trifft Philosophie - Migration und Grenzen", Saarland University, September 4, 2017.
- Irrtümer in der Einwanderungsdiskussion, lecture as part of the intercultural week (organized by Diakonie Riesa-Großenhain), Großenhain, 27 September 2016.
- Comment on Chandran Kukatha's forthcoming book "Freedom and Immigration", ECPR General Conference, Prague, September 10, 2016.
- Immigration fees: A defense, lecture at the conference "Normative Perspectives on Labour Immigration", Frankfurt, June 6, 2016
- What does "realistic" mean? Migration as a methodological challenge for political theory, lecture at the conference "National, European and International Challenges of Refugee Flows", Berlin, May 7, 2016
- Expert lecture on the state of migration research at the joint parliamentary group meeting of the CDU and SPD parliamentary groups in the Saxon state parliament, Dresden, April 28, 2016
- Commentary on the book manuscript "Strangers in Our Midst" by David Miller (Oxford), Hamburg, March 18, 2016
- Does the Right to Exclude contradict Freedom of Movement?, lecture at the workshop "The Ethics of Immigration" with Joseph Carens, Berlin, December 10, 2015.
- Migration and Contemporary Political Theory: An Introductory Overview, Colloquium of the Chair of Political Theory, Dresden, November 24, 2015.
- What's wrong with 'Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources', ECPR General Conference, Université de Montréal, August 29, 2015.
- Intelligible Maps in Kant's Genealogical Justification of Territorial Rights, ECPR General Conference, Université de Montréal, August 29, 2015.
- Vom Migranten zum Bürger: Ziele und Herausforderungen der Migrations- und Integrationspolitik, lecture at the invitation of Akademie Rosenhof e.V. (seminar in cooperation with the Zetel ammunition depot). Bundeswehr Service Center Dresden, July 15, 2015.
- What's wrong with 'Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources'?, lecture at the conference "Territory, Land and Justice", Berlin, June 26, 2015.
- Das Recht zur Einwanderung und der Zwang zur Emigration, lecture at the colloquium of the Chair of Practical Philosophy, Düsseldorf, May 5, 2015.
- Taxing the Entrants to Protect the Stayers? On the prospective Responsibility of Skilled Migrants, lecture at the conference "Beyond brain drain Skills & Mobility without Methodological Nationalism", Paris, March 26, 2015.
- Comment on the lecture by Gabriel Wollner (HU Berlin) at the conference "Structural Injustice", Berlin, February 13, 2015.
- Migrazione e giustizia globale. Lecture at the "Seminario di storia e politica comparata", Bologna, April 30, 2014.
- Comment on the lecture by Anna Stilz (Princeton University) at the conference "Naturrechtsfiguren: Ursprünglicher Gemeinbesitz und territoriale Rechte", Hamburg, January 24, 2014.
- Comment on the lecture by Chris Armstrong (University of Southampton) at the conference "Responsibility and Obligations from Global Justice", Antwerp, October 11, 2013.
- Emerging Constitutional Orders? (with Steven Schäller), presentation at the conference "Global Constitutionalism: Legal Concepts and Emerging Transnational Orders", Dresden, July 19, 2013.
- Comment on the lecture by Andrea Sangiovanni (King's College London) at the conference "Cosmopolitan Conditions for Legitimate Sovereignity", Berlin, July 12, 2013.
- Rechtfertigungsgenealogien des Internationalen Rechts, lecture at the seminar of Prof. Peter Niesen "Legitimationsfragen des Völkerrechts", Hamburg, June 4, 2013.
- Comment on the lecture by Mattias Kumm (EUI/HU/NYU) at the conference "Global Constitutionalism", Florence, March 23, 2013.
- Die Staatsbürgerschaftslotterie, lecture at the Summer Academy of the German National Academic Foundation, Görlitz, August 15, 2012.
- Comment on the lecture by Lea Ypi (LSE) at the conference "Kant on Race and Barbarism", Darmstadt, June 14, 2012.
- Konstitutionelle Imagination, lecture at the conference "Die Transzendenz politischer Ordnungdbegründungen", Dresden, March 20, 2012.
- Commentary on the lectures by Prof. David Owen (Southampton) and Prof. Chandran Kukathas (LSE) at the conference 'Migration in Legal and Political Theory: Remaining Challenges', Cambridge (UK), October 29, 2011.
- Zwang als Prinzip staatsbürgerlicher Inklusion, lecture at the Congress of the DGPhil, Munich, September 12, 2011.
- Exclusion from what? On the scope of the right to exclude and the worth of citizenship, lecture at the summer course "The Diversity of Human Rights" (Course directors: Bernd Ladwig, Georg Lohmann and Ana Matan), Dubrovnik, September 08, 2011.
- Constitutionalization without Constitutionalism?, lecture at the ECPR General Conference (Section: Reconstituting Democracy in Europe), Reykjavik (Iceland), 25 August 2011.
- Comment on the lecture by Prof. Mattias Kumm (NYU/HU Berlin/WZB) at the conference 'Paradoxes of Constitutionalism', Dresden, July 20, 2011.
- Kant's 'Volk' als intelligible Gemeinschaft, lecture at the conference "Zwischen Liberalismus und Republikanismus. On the Transcendent Resources of the Kantian Republic", Dresden, June 6, 2011.
- Das Recht auf Einwanderung in idealer und nichtidealer Theorie, lecture at the invitation of Prof. Corinna Mieth (University of Bochum), Bochum, May 6, 2011.
- Global Constitutionalism, lecture at the "Law and Philosophy Workshop" (workshop leaders: David Enoch and Alon Harel), Jerusalem, March 2, 2011.
- Gibt es ein Recht auf Ausschluss?, lecture at the conference "Über die Unverfügbarkeit der Menschenrechte. Forms and Limits of the Legal Exclusion of Immigrants", Dresden, February 19, 2011.
- Normative Criteria of Civic Inclusion, lecture at the invitation of Prof. Bernd Ladwig (FU Berlin), Berlin, December 14, 2010.
- Freedom of Movement and the Right to Exclude, lecture at the 15th International Metropolis Conference, The Hague, October 7, 2010.
- From Proximity to Territoriality: A Kantian Genealogy of the State, lecture at the conference "Territory and Justice", Dublin, July 12, 2010.
- Freedom of Movement and Global Justice, lecture at the conference "Justice and Liberty", Jena, June 27, 2010.
- From National Identity to Constitutional Identity? Das Lissabon-Urteil und der transnationale Konstitutionalismus, lecture at the conference "Die Demokratie, die Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und die Europäische Integration", Dresden, June 18, 2010.
- Migration und Globale Gerechtigkeit, lecture at the invitation of Prof. Paula Diehl (Institute of Sociology, University of Flensburg), Flensburg, April 20, 2010.
- Kantian civic virtues, political and metaphysical. Lecture at the conference of the KAS "Civil Religion and Civil Theology", Cadenabbia, March 11, 2010.
- Why are there several peoples? Lecture at the colloquium of the Chair of Political Theory and History of Ideas at TU Dresden, Dresden, October 20, 2009.
- Kant's lex permissiva and the state's rights over its territory, lecture at the ECPR General Conference (Section: Politics and Metaphysics in Kant), September 10, 2009, Potsdam.
- Comment on the lecture by Dr. Cara Nine at the conference "Democratic Self-Determination and Freedom of Movement", Berlin, June 19, 2009.
- On Self-Determination and Immigration. Lecture at the conference "Citizenship and Migration", Stanford University, June 2008.
- Commentary on the lecture by Prof. Alessandro Pinzani (A State of one's own? Collective Identity and Secession), January 17, 2008.
- Non-Nationalist Theories of Self-determination. Invited lecture, European University Institute, Florence (Italy), December 2007.
- Kant and Locke on property and territorial sovereignty. Lecture at the conference "Kant's Doctrine of Right", Tours (France), October 2007.
- Immigration and territorial rights. Lecture at the conference "Citizenship and Migration", Berlin, June 2007.
- Immigration, Territoriality and Property. Lecture at the invitation of Prof. Ulrich Nortmann, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, May 2007.
- Property and Immigration: Two Liberal Rights on a Collision Course? Lecture at the Methods Seminar of the Marc Bloch Center, Berlin, March 2007.
- An egalitarian argument against open borders. Lecture at the invitation of Toon Vandevelde and Philippe Van Parijs (Lovanium Seminar in Ethics and Public Policy, University of Leuven), Leuven (Belgium), November 2006.
- Economic Migration and Territorial Sovereignty. Paper presented at the 4th Pavia Graduate Conference in Political Philosophy (University of Pavia), Pavia (Italy), September 2006.
- "Private" public space. Lecture at the conference "Right to migration", Madrid, November 2005.
- Commentary on the lecture by Daniel Statman (University of Haifa) "Supreme Emergencies Revisited" at the Congress of the Society for Applied Philosophy, Oxford, July 2005.
- Citizens and Denizens within European borders. An inquiry about the territorial preconditions of liberal integration policy. Lecture at the conference "Cultural and Minority Rights", University of Oxford, June 2005.
- O conceito de povo e de nação em Kant. Invited lecture (PUCRS University), Porto Alegre (Brazil), September 2004.
- Il Timore della Guerra giusta le vie della pace nella filosofia di Baruch Spinoza. Lecture at the invitation of Prof. Paolo Cristofolini (Scuola Normale Superiore), Pisa (Italy), April 2004.
- The fear of just war. Spinoza's path to peace. Lecture at the Congress of the Austrian Society for Philosophy, Salzburg (Austria), February 2004.
- People and Nation in the Enlightenment. Lecture at the invitation of Prof. Wilfried Hinsch, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, June 2003.
- Reflections on the contract-theoretical justification of federalism. Lecture at the conference "Federalism and subsidiarity", Florence, December 2001.
- Nietzsche and Leopardi, lecture at the invitation of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Olevano Romano (Italy), April 1999.
- WS 19/20: Migration (BA project seminar), TU Dresden
- WS 17/18: Migration in Political Theory (BA project seminar), TU Dresden
- WS 15/16: Migration in Political Theory (BA Project Seminar), TU Dresden
- WS 15/16: Theory and Development of the Constitutional State (MA reading seminar), TU Dresden
- Summer semester 15: Justice and Equality (BA seminar), TU Dresden
- WS 14/15: Migration and Justice (BA Project Seminar), TU Dresden - Seminar schedule
- Summer semester 14: Global Justice (Seminar), TU Dresden - Schedule of topics
- May 14: Global Politics and Global Justice (Guest Lectureship at the Università di Bologna)
- WS 13/14: Introduction to the Study of Political Theory, TU Dresden
- Summer semester 2013: Cosmopolitanism (seminar), TU Dresden
- WS 12/13: Theory and Development of the Constitutional State (reading seminar), TU Dresden
- Summer semester 12: Theories of democracy (seminar), TU Dresden
- WS 11/12: Theory and Development of the Constitutional State (reading seminar), TU Dresden
- Summer semester 11: Theories of democracy (seminar), TU Dresden
- WS 10/11: Theory and Development of the Constitutional State (reading seminar), TU Dresden
- Summer semester 07: Global Justice (with Prof. Jean-Christophe Merle), Saarland University
- WS 06/07: Die Lehren des gerechten Krieges (with Prof. Jean-Christophe Merle), Saarland University
- Summer semester 06: Theories of Property (with Prof. Jean-Christophe Merle), Saarland University
- WS 05/06: Hobbes Leviathan (with Prof. Jean-Christophe Merle), Saarland University
- SoSe 05: How can a war be just? An introduction to the doctrine of just war (with Prof. Jean-Christophe Merle), University of Potsdam
- WS 03/04: Just war or just peace? University of Potsdam
- WS 97/98: Introduction to Political Theory (tutorial), University of Tübingen
Conference organization
- (with Maik Herold) Panel "Does Political Polarization Affect Migrant Integration? Evidence from a Survey Experiment among Migrants in Four European Countries" at the ECPR General Conference, Prague, September 2023.
- (with Andreas Niederberger and Hans Vorländer) DVPW Spring Conference of the Section "Political Theory and History of Ideas" on "Migration - Challenges in the Field of Tension between Theory and Practice", March 18-20, 2020 Dresden
- (with Julia Schulze Wessel) Panel on "Refugee Law and the Limits of Democratic Self-Determination" at the Scientific Congress of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), Frankfurt a.M., September 25-28, 2018.
- Panel "Discussing 'Freedom and Immigration' by Chandran Kukathas" at the ECPR Congress, Prague, September 2016.
(with Julia Schulze Wessel) Lecture series "Migration" at the Chair of Political Theory and History of Ideas, TU Dresden.
- (with Steven Schäller) Organization of the conference "Global Constitutionalism: Legal Concepts and Emerging Transnational Orders", Dresden, 18/19 July 2013.
- (with Nele Schneidereit) Panel "Kant on Citizenship and Exclusion" at the ECPR Congress, Bordeaux, September 2013.
- (with Nele Schneidereit) Course "Who belongs? Moral Challenges of Citizenship and Migration" as part of the Summer Academy of the German National Academic Foundation, Görlitz, August 2012.
- (with Marlen Gnerlich) Organization of the summer course "Political Theory" (Course Director: Prof. Hans Vorländer), Dubrovnik, 3-7 September 2012.
- (with Marlen Gnerlich) Organization of the summer course "Political Theory" (Course Director: Prof. Hans Vorländer), Dubrovnik, 5-9 September 2011.
- (with Solongo Wandan) Organization of the conference "Paradoxes of Constitutionalism", Dresden, 18-10 July 2011.
- Organization of the conference "Between Liberalism and Republicanism. On the Transcendent Resources of the Kantian Republic", Dresden, June 6-7, 2011.
- (with Anja Bohländer) Organization of the summer course "Political Theory" (Course Director: Prof. Hans Vorländer), Dubrovnik, 5-11 September 2010.
- Organization of the conference "Die Demokratie, die Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und die europäische Integration", Dresden, 17-18 June 2010.
- Organization of the conference "Property Rights in Central and Eastern Europe", Berlin, 13 November 2009, organized on behalf of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
- Organization and management of the international conference "Democratic Self-Determination and Freedom of Movement", 19 June 2009, organized in cooperation with the Centre Marc Bloch, Hertie School of Governance, Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
- Organization and chair of the workshop "The Territorial Dimension of Citizenship and Migration", 20 June 2009, organized in cooperation with the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
Reviewer for international journals
- Constellations
- Critical Review of Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP)
- Global Constitutionalism
- International Journal of Migration and Border Studies
- Journal of Political Philosophy
- Les ateliers de l'éthique / The Ethics Forum
- Social Theory and Practice