Giovanni de Ghantuz Cubbe
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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameGiovanni de Ghantuz Cubbe M.A.
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Chair of Political Theory and History of Political Thought
Chair of Political Theory and History of Political Thought
Visiting address:
von-Gerber-Bau, GER 311 Bergstraße 53
01069 Dresden
Short biography
Since 05/2019 | Research Associate at the Mercator Forum Migration and Democracy (MIDEM) |
Since 2018 | PhD project on "Right-wing populism, nation and territory. AfD in East and West Germany, Lega in Northern and Southern Italy" |
10/2017 - 04/20019 | Research Assistant at the Mercator Forum Migration and Democracy (MIDEM) |
02/2017 - 09/2017 | Research Assistant at the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Research at the TU Dresden |
since 12/2015 | Member of the editorial board of the journal"Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'Amministrazione - Studi di teoria e ricerca sociale" |
10/2016 - 08/2017 | Erasmus + (Università di Bologna, TU Dresden) |
2012- 2017 | Study of International Relations at the Università di Bologna, degree: Master of Arts |
2012-2014 |
Studied Political Science and International Relations at the |
Core research areas
- Italian politics
- Populism
- migration
de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (ed.): Populisms, Constitutions, Constitutional Courts and Constitutional Democracy. In: Castellà Andreu, J.M. / Simonelli, M.A. (eds.), Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe: Old Problems and New Challenges, Palgrave Macmillan.
de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2023): Problems of political representation. Carlo Mongardini and the contribution of Italian political science. In: Journal of Parliamentary Studies, 3: 679-692.
de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2022) The Configuration of Political Society: Elite Pluralism and the "Tacit Pact of Domination". In: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'Amministrazione, 4: 0
de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2021): How the Italian radical right has framed immigration during the pandemic. In: EUROPP
Backes, U. / de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2021): Introduction / Editorial (2021). In: Totalitarianism and Democracy - Journal for International Dictatorship and Freedom Studies, 18, pp. 3-8.
de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2021): The birth pangs of Italian anti-fascism (1920-1925). In: Totalitarianism and Democracy - Journal for International Dictatorship and Freedom Studies, 18, 1, pp. 11-32.
de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2021): Explaining Matteo Salvini's support for the new Italian government. In: EUROPP
de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2021): Populist parties and constitutional courts. On the specifics of a fundamental tension. In: Law and Politics. Journal for German and European Legal Policy, Supplement 5, pp. 110-119.
de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2020): Continuity instead of caesura: The development of parties and the party system in Italy after the parliamentary elections of 2013 and 2018. In: Journal of Parliamentary Affairs, 51, 4, pp. 909-926.
de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2020): Assessing the political impact of Covid-19 in Italy. In: EUROPP(
- de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2020): Lega and Five Star Movement: Right-wing and left-wing populism? In: Totalitarianism and Democracy - Journal for International Dictatorship and Freedom Studies, 17, pp. 45-66.
- de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2019). Smart Politics: The Political Dimension of 'Smartness'. In: Roberta Iannone, Romina Gurashi with Ilaria Iannuzzi, Giovanni de Ghantuz Cubbe, Melissa Sessa, Smart Society. A Sociological Perspective on Smart Living, 1st Edition, Routledge.
- de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2019). Southern Europe. In: MIDEM, Migration and Europe. Annual Report 2019, Dresden.
- de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2019). Southern Europe. In: MIDEM, Europe before the elections, Dresden.
- Angeli, O./de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2018). The 2018 elections to the Italian Parliament. In: MIDEM Report 2018-1, Dresden.
- de Ghantuz Cubbe, G. (2018). Italy. In: Migration and populism. MIDEM annual report 2018, Dresden.
de Ghantuz Cubbe G. (2017). Radical Secularism and the Risks of Undemocratic Trends. Constitutional States, Far Right Parties and Anti-immigration Platforms. In Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'Amministrazione - Studi di teoria e ricerca sociale, n.2.
de Ghantuz Cubbe G. (2015). La base ideologico-progettuale dello Stato sociale. In Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'amministrazione, n.2. (The ideological and project-related side of the Welfare State)
de Ghantuz Cubbe G. (2013). Contro la violenza sulle donne. In Critica Liberale n. 215 (Against violence against women)
Conferences and lectures
Teorie delle élites e trasformazioni della democrazia. Convegno SISP (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica) 2023, September 14-16, Genoa.
Populist transformations of democracy. Dreiländeragung - Zeitenwende - Politik(Wissenschaft) in unsicheren Zeiten, September 11-13, 2023, Linz.
Elite Theories in a Time of Democratic Backsliding. ECPR General Conference, September 4-8, 2023, Prague.
Speaker at the roundtable "Antiliberal Europe. Enemies of Freedom and Their Ideas of Europe in Past and Present. International Congress: Europe, Democracy and Ideas of Freedom: Challenges in History and Present, Villa Vigoni (German-Italian Center for European Dialogue), July 27-30, 2023, Como.
Problems and Changes of Political Representation in Italy. Roundtable on current threats to parliamentary democracy in Europe, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen / Institute for Parliamentary Research, German Bundestag, June 2, 2023, Berlin.
Populismo in Italia e in Germania. La ragione populista e i rimedi democratici. Istituto di Studi Storici Gaetano Salvemini, 13 october 2022, Torino.
Social Upheavals, the Crises of Politics and the Topicality of Robert Michels. Workshop: Robert Michels - The Limits of Gender Morality. Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of the European Enlightenment (IZEA), 31 march/1 april 2022, Halle (Saale).
Elitismo e massa. Giornata di studi in memoria di Carlo Mongardini. Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Università di Roma La Sapienza, 10 february 2022, Roma.
Populism vs. Anti-populism: the Dialectic of Our Zeitgeist? DVPW, We have the choice! Politics in Times of Uncertainty and Autocratization, 14-16 september.
Populisms, Constitutions, Constitutional Courts, and the Future of Constitutional Democracy. DEMOS - Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe, 25-26 february.
Populism. Lecture for the lecture series "Populism - Alles nur Parolen?", Saxon State Center for Political Education, 17 September 2020, Klingenthal.
Right-Wing Populist Parties and Constitutional Courts: An Analytical Model. Workshop: "Populism and Constitutional Crises in Europe and Latin America", Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Universität Erfurt, February 20-21, 2020, Erfurt.
Politics and Smartness: A Democratic Relation? ECPR General Conference, September 4-7, 2019, Wrocław, Poland (accepted paper).
The Lega Nord between Regionalism and National Ambitions: And... Europe? ECPR General Conference, 22-25 august 2018, Hamburg.
A Polarization in the Interpretation of the Constitution? Constitutions, Constitutional Courts and Right-Wing Populism. DVPW, September 25-28, 2018, Frankfurt am Main.