Research Projects/Conferences
You can browse these pages to find out more about our current and past research projects and conferences. Please note that Ph.D. and Post-Doc projects are covered on a separate page.
- Effective Teaching-Learning Practices of Inclusive Education: A Comparison between Indian and German School Models (2024 –)
- Seismic Shifts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mountaineering (2024)
- Nation-Building and the Creation of a 'New Community' in Contemporary Sri Lankan Art (2022)
- Funny Women (2021)
- Painful Laughter (2020)
- Transcultural Adaptation (2018)
- Gemeinschaft Neu Denken (2017)
- Gender3 intersektional: Grenzgänge (2016 - 17)
- 20th- and 21st Century Narratives of Masculinity (2015 ff.)
- Risiko (2015 - 16)
- Borderlands/Edgelands (2015 ff.)
- Jaws: Der weiße Hai Revisited (2015)
- Sabotaging 'Hitchcock' (2014 ff.)
- Towards Comparative Masculinity Studies (2010 - 14)
- Armut: Gender-Perspektiven ihrer Bewältigung in Geschichte und Gegenwart (2013)
- Lüge - Täuschung - Hochstapelei (2013)
- Transgender & Intersex (2012 ff.)
- Constructions of Masculinity (2009)
- DFG-Projekt Kollektive politische Identitäten (2010 ff.)
In addition, the Chair of English Literary Studies is involved in the Dresdner Nachwuchskolloquium zur Geschlechterforschung.
Other projects completed in the past have included:
- Männlichkeit, Weiblichkeit und die Frage nach dem In-Between - Gender Studies und Geschlechterforschung von der Antike bis ins 21. Jahrhundert
[Masculinity, Femininity and the question what's in-between: Gender Studies from Antiquity to the 21st Century]
An interdisciplinary lecture series (publication with Königshausen & Neumann in 2010). - Taboo and Transgression in British Literature from the Renaissance to the Present
(Publication with Palgrave Macmillan in 2010) - Subversions of Gender Identities through Laughter and the Comic in Literature, Theatre, and Modern Media: Chances and Limits
A German-Canadian Conference Series plus Research Project (publication with Rodopi in 2009). - Literature and the Art of Living: Reflections on the 'Good Life' in 19th and 20th Century British Novels
(publication with WVT in 2008)