Jan 24, 2022
International Seminar (Vasileios Liotsakis)
In der zweiten Runde des International Seminar am 1. und 2.2. spricht Vasileios Liotsakis (Universität der Peloponnes/Kalamata) zu „Aspects of Plato's ‘Theory of Narrative‘: Beyond the ‘Republic‘ and ‘Ion‘“:
In this paper, I trace central aspects of modern theory of narrative in Plato’s Statesman and the Laws. In particular, I will focus on the dipole fabula-sujet and the notion of narrating time, the presence of which in the Platonic corpus has traditionally been neglected both by narratologists and classicists. This is so perhaps because of the critics’ usual practice of tracing seeds of the Platonic theory of narrative mainly in Ion and the Republic, both of which, although rich in thoughts on the modes of narration and on their effectiveness on the intellectual and psychological world of the audience, lack reflections on the pair fabula-sujet and the time one needs either to narrate or to read/listen to a story. The Statesman and the Laws are of great help in this respect. […]
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