Grand opening
Table of contents
18:30-18:35h: Cello Quartet: Cécile Chaminade (1857-1944): Valse-Ballet
18:35-18:40h: Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm: Welcome
18:40-18:50h: Vice-Rector Academic Affairs of TU Dresden, Prof. Dr. Hans Georg Krauthäuser
18:50-19:00h: H. E. the Ambassador of France, Mrs. Anne-Marie Descôtes
19:00-19:10h: H. E. the Ambassador of Burkina Faso, Mr. Simplice Honoré Guibila
19:10-19:20: Attaché for Policy, Public Affairs and Cooperation of the Government of Québec, Dr. Benedikt Miklós
19:20-19:25h: Cello Quartet: Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924): Sicilienne, Op. 78
19:25-20:10h: Lecture by Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Savoy
The gestures of appropriation. African collections in European museums and the consequences
20:10-20:15h: Cello quartet: Yann Tiersen (*1970): Rue des Cascades
from 20:15h: Reception (with the kind support of the French Embassy)
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Savoy (Berlin/Paris)
Press release
African cultural assets, European museums and questions of restitution policy - French art historian Bénédicte Savoy as a guest at the Centrum Frankreich | Frankophonie at TU Dresden
On Thursday, May 16, 2019, the recently founded Centrum Frankreich | Frankophonie at TU Dresden will open with a keynote lecture by the renowned art historian Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Savoy (TUD Dresden University of Technology Berlin / Collège de France Paris). Last year, the Leibniz Prize winner was commissioned by French President Emmanuel Macron to investigate the possibility of returning cultural assets from French museums to African countries together with Senegalese scholar Felwine Sarr. She is internationally recognized as an expert on looted art and the question of the relocation of cultural assets, particularly from former colonies, to museums. In her lecture The Gestures of Appropriation. African Collections in European Museums and the Consequences, she will trace the historical lines of development between European colonialism and the history of collecting that led to the presence of originally African cultural objects in European museums. This topic will serve as an example of the diverse relationships that have linked France and Germany with Francophone regions of Africa in the past and present.
The Centrum Frankreich | Frankophonie promotes scientific and cultural exchange between TU Dresden stakeholders and partners in France and francophone countries worldwide. It networks existing and supports new activities in the three central areas of research, teaching and third mission. The CFF thus sees itself as a place for German-Francophone scientific and cultural exchange and as a contact point for international cooperation. In addition to the founding director Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm (Institute of Romance Studies at the TUD), the interdisciplinary center, which has numerous regional, national and international cooperation partners, includes a further fifteen chairs and employees of the TUD. The opening ceremony will take place in the presence of H.E. the Ambassador of France, Ms. Anne-Marie Descôtes, H.E. the Ambassador of Burkina Faso, Mr. Honoré Simplice Guibila, and the Attaché for Politics, Public Affairs and Cooperation of the Government of Québec, Dr. Benedikt Miklós.
Further information on the CFF and the event:
Ceremonial opening of the Center France | Francophonie at the TUD
Time: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Place: Ballroom of the University Executive Board of the TUD, Mommsenstr. 11, 01069 Dresden
Information: Angelika Gleisberg:, +49 351 463 32038
Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm:, +49 351 463 32194.