Further events
Panel discussion "The future of restitution", Institute of Art and Music, TU Dresden - June 13, 2024
Exhibition -"Le cinéma d'animation - la French touch" - May 16 to June 6, 2024
5 questions for... Didier and Nadia Houénoudé - March 16, 2024
[Online] information event: Career paths II - Prospects after the teaching degree - July 13, 2023
8th Atelier of the Franco-German Doctoral College / 8th Atélier du Collège doctoral franco-allemand
Thinking differences: practices, narratives, media / Construire les différences: pratiques, récits et médias
June 30 - July 1, 2023 in Dresden -
[Online] panel discussion: What's going on in France? Pension reform, protests and their consequences. With Hélène Miard-Delacroix and Kolja Lindner - June 13, 2023
Workshop - Québec CÉGEP students as guests - May 24, 2023
7th Atelier of the Franco-German Doctoral College / 7th Atélier du Collège doctoral franco-allemand
Thinking differences: practices, narratives, media / Construire les différences: pratiques, récits et médias
July 6-9, 2022 in Kassel (on the occasion of Documenta Fifteen) -
Career prospects for humanities scholars - information event - June 1, 2022
Photo exhibition "Poser pour la liberté. Portraits scientifiques en exil" & supporting events, April 4 to May 17, 2022
Kubuni - Talk on African comic culture - November 8, 2021
Themed evening for the International Day of La Francophonie: LA RÉUNION LÉ LÀ! - March 18, 2021
Franco-German Day 2021: Live online interview with Jeanette Konrad, editor-in-chief of "Karambolage" - January 21, 2021
Symposium for students and teachers 'To the language, Saxony! MEHR│Sprachen│Didaktik' - September 8, 2018 with the support of the CFF
1st Dresden Children's Cultures University under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm, Chair of French Studies and Founding Director of the CFF - 7 September 2018
3rd Atelier of the Franco-German Doctoral College / 3rd Atélier du Collège doctoral franco-allemand
Denken Unterschiede: Struktur - Soziale Ordnung - Kommunikation / Construire les différences: structure - ordre social - communication
July 5-7, 2018 in Dresden