Summer School – July 23 – 29, 2023
The Struggle for Attention in the Public Sphere
A Perspective of Critical Phenomenology
International Summer School, July 23 – 29, 2023
Attention does not deserve to be treated merely as one phenomenon among others; it is a key phenomenon which discloses experience in a unique fashion.
– Bernhard Waldenfels, Phenomenology of the Alien (2011) |
About the Summer School
In our summer school we understand the public sphere as a public space (or spaces) where socially, culturally and politically meaningful events and processes take place. But what makes them „meaningful“? And what makes them „public“? In order to produce a meaningful event or an action, do we need attract the attention of the public to this event or action? Why do we consider some events as meaningful and leave others aside as insignificant? How is attention distributed and redistributed in the public sphere and what instances are responsible for that? In what cases do we become hostages of the economics of attention and how does paying attention to some things and not paying it to others form our identity?
We can imagine modern human history as a permanent struggle for attention in the public sphere. The struggle could take place in order for one group to gain more power or more influence, or, on the contrary, in order to restore social or political injustice and to attract attention to an unfairly marginalized group. If attention is a means of making something or someone visible in the public sphere and, thus, existing, isn’t the articulation of attention also a means to undermine hegemonies, to redistribute power in a society in a fairer way?
Detailed information about the conception and application of our project you can find here.
9.30–10.00 | Registration |
10.00–10.30 | Opening address - Klavdia Smola |
10.30–11.00 | Structure of the School - Tatiana Vaizer |
11.00–11.30 | Coffee break |
11.30–13.00 | Attention as response to the Alien (Otherness): Attention in the perspective of responsive phenomenology (key lecture) - Bernhard Waldenfels |
13.00–14.00 | Lunch |
14.00–15.30 | Close reading of a text „Phenomenology of the Alien“ (Ch. 5: „Thresholds of Attention“) (seminar) - Bernhard Waldenfels |
15.30–16.00 |
Organisational information Organisation of work in groups |
16.00–19.30 | Visiting Museum of military history or Free time |
19.30 | Dinner |
9.30–11.00 | Critical phenomenology and transformative civic action (key lecture) - Marieke Borren |
11.00–11.30 | Coffee break |
11.30–13.00 | Critical phenomenology of protesting bodies (seminar) - Marieke Borren |
13.00–14.00 | Lunch |
14.00–15.30 | A Brief genealogy of the concept of attention in phenomenology (lecture) - Antony Fredriksson |
15.30–16.00 | Coffee break |
16.00–17.30 | Close reading of a text (Sara Ahmed “The Affective Politics of Fear”) (seminar) - Antony Fredriksson |
9.30–11.00 | Politics of recognition. Challenges of grey zones (Case of Georgia) (lecture) - Nino Palavandishvili |
11.00–11.30 | Coffee break |
11.30–13.00 | How plural is the public sphere? Close reading of a text (Klas Grinnellar “Challenging Normality”) (seminar) Screening of the Oleksiy Radynski‘s film «Incident in the Museum» and discussion - Nino Palavandishvili |
13.00–14.00 | Lunch |
14.00–18.00 | Re-imagining histories (case of the Ukraine) (presentation with discussion and visiting exhibition in Albertinum) - Tatiana Kochubinska |
9.30–11.00 | A quest and a struggle for attention: state-led public events and power legitimation in Kyrgyzstan (1991 - 2017) (case study and discussion) - Arzuu Sheranova |
11.00–11.30 | Coffee break |
11.30–13.00 | Performative and participatory art as a way of activating public attenti on (case of the Ukraine) (presentation of the “Open Place” project) - Yulia Kosterieva & Yuriy Kruchak |
13.00–14.00 | Lunch |
14.00–15.30 | On shared perception and attention: presentation of and discussion on the film «They Roam Together» illustrating key concepts of Merleau-Ponty - Antony Fredriksson: |
15.30–16.00 | Coffee break |
16.00–17.30 | „Under the radar“: Documentary f filmmaking in the post-soviet context (screening Veronika’s film: «I didn‘t cross the border, the border crossed me» and discussion) - Veronika Janatkova |
9.30–11.00 | Workshop in groups Struggle/claim for attention in the East European and Central Asian public spheres |
11.00–11.30 | Coffee break |
11.30–13.00 | Presentations of participants Struggle/claim for attention in the East European and Central Asian public spheres |
13.00–14.00 | Lunch |
14.00–15.00 | Summary of the school, feedback |
15.00–19.00 |
City tour of Dresden Free time |
The current program is primarily based on face-to-face meetings that will take place in Wienestraße 48, Room 004 in Dresden.
For participants and our audience who cannot attend our program in person, we will broadcast the conference by Zoom.
You can participate online in all events spontaneously by accessing the following Zoom-Link: https://tu-dresden.zoom.us/j/61942288465?pwd=VFlRcjRWcEhaRjR4QXVmTTZNeWlQZz09 Meeting-ID: 619 4228 8465 |

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameDr. Tatiana Vaizer
Professur für Slavische Literaturwissenschaft
Eine verschlüsselte E-Mail über das SecureMail-Portal versenden (nur für TUD-externe Personen).
Bürogebäude Wiener Straße, Raum 216 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
- Donnerstag:
- 10:00 - 12:00
- Summer School 2023 Conception (PDF)
- NEW: Program Flyer (PDF) Updated: 20.07.23