Apr 11, 2023
Call for entries: Award for Diversity-Sensitive Teaching 2023

Visual des Lehrpreises
The TUD is once again awarding the Best Practice Prize for Diversity-Sensitive Teaching. The aim is to honour teachers and teaching concepts that deal with diversity in the sense of TU Dresden's Diversity Strategy 2030. In this way, the courses and teaching staff contribute to sensitising students to diversity in everyday university (and social) life. At the same time, the teaching award is intended to highlight the high relevance of diversity-sensitive aspects in the context of excellent teaching. The award criteria include diversity-sensitive, appreciative and transparent communication and interaction as well as diverse and barrier-free teaching methods.
A total of up to 10,000 euros in prizes is available, funded by the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments.
Information award winners 2022
All students, employees, university initiatives and groups at TU Dresden are entitled to nominate. Students in particular are called upon to participate. Self-proposals are also possible. Proposals can be submitted until 26.05.2023.
Call: www.tu-dresden.de/diversity/lehrpreis
Diversity at TU Dresden means recognising and valuing the diversity of all people and ways of life. It concerns many dimensions, including age, gender, health, ethnic and social origin, world view or sexual identity. In 2019, TU Dresden signed the Charter of Diversity, thereby committing itself to understanding diversity as an opportunity and to creating an environment for its members that is characterised by mutual respect and participation for all.
German Diversity Day and Diversity Charter

NameGrit Kühlborn M.A.
Coordination Diversity Projects
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).