Teilprojekt A12: Energie-effiziente Routing-Mechanismen für Inter-Board-Kommunikation in der HAEC Box
Das Ziel des Projekts A12 ist der Entwurf, die Entwicklung und die Evaluation von Routing-Protokollen für die HAEC-Box. Diese Protokolle müssen mehrere Anforderungen erfüllen – wie beispielsweise Energieeffizienz, Sicherheit und Latenz – und sich an variierende Netzbedingungen zur Laufzeit anpassen. Sie können sich dabei die Regularität der physischen Topologie der HAEC Box sowie die Möglichkeit, Verbindungen zwischen Knoten gezielt zu aktivieren, zu Nutze machen.
Rolle innerhalb des SFB 912
Project A12 (Santini) is a new project of the CRC. It is part of the project group HAEC-Architecture (HAEC-ARCH) and constitutes a further link between the project group HAEC-Hardware (HAEC-HW) and HAEC-Software (HAEC-SW). The denition of routing protocols for the HAEC Box requires indeed to integrate results from HAEC-SW – and in particular from project B04 (Härtig) and B05 (Lehner) – with constraints provided by HAEC-HW, such as the interference models from project A02 (Fettweis/Dörpinghaus/Fischer). Project A12 (Santini)’ s contribution to HAEC is further strengthened through its collaborations with all other projects within HAEC-ARCH. Together with projects A08 (Strufe/ Franz/Jorswieck) and A13 (Fitzek), project A12 (Santini) will specify the requirements routing protocols for the HAEC Box must be able to comply with. Metrics to characterize the inuence of individual requirement on routing decisions in a quantitative manner will also be dened in collaboration with A08 (Strufe/Franz/Jorswieck) and A13 (Fitzek). The collaboration with project A03 (Jorswieck) will allow us to explore the interplay between routing and dierent physical layer multi-hop communication approaches. Project A12 (Santini) will further contribute to project A04 (Nagel) by providing the specication of routing approaches for the HAEC Box and integrating them in the HAEC simulator. The energy/utility framework developed by project B04 (Härtig) will nally be adopted to describe and manage conicting requirements on routing decisions.
Principal Investigators
PhD Students
ehemalige Mitarbeiter