Girls' Day 2016
Same procedure as every year... As it is already tradtition on the 28th of Avril 2016 the Girls' Day will took place. On this special day girls get the chance to extend their focus and gain some experiences in natural scientific and technical branches.
Time | Program |
09:00-09:30 |
Lecture mobile service Dipl.-Ing. Norman Franchi "Whats inside the iPhone?" |
09:45-10:15 | Demonstration Dr.-Ing. Rico Radeke 5GLab Germany |
10:45-11:30 | Dr. Martin Elstner Tour through the dust free roum |
11:45-12:30 | Lunch |
12:30-14:45 | Excursion to the research location SupraTrans Lecture (among others Lexus-Hoverboard-Projekt known from “Back to the Future”) |
Girls' Day 2016