Application for Admission
Admission Procedure
The following prerequisites are applicable as stated in the Regulations for determining the suitability for CMS
- First university degree qualifying for professional activity in Computer Science, Mathematics, Natural Science, Economics/Finance, or Engineering (BSc or higher, including MSc, German "Diplom", BSc [Hons], etc.)
- Knowledge of English corresponding to at least level B2 of the European Frame of Reference for Language
- Proficiency in computer programming in (at least one) compiled programming language
- Calculus of functions in one and multiple variables (partial derivatives, integrals, etc.)
- Basics of linear algebra (matrix and vector operations, matrix inversion, decomposition)
- Basics of probability (distributions, elementary probabilities, axioms)
- Basics of algorithms and data structures (arrays, lists, search and sorting, complexity)
- BSc-level knowledge in the application domain of the elected track
The CMS programme focuses on teaching the computer science and mathematics foundations of modelling and simulation and assumes familiarity with the above basic concepts of the respective disciplines. Lectures completed on one or several of the following topics would be helpful, but not strictly required:
- Parallel Programming / High-Performance Computing
- Numerical Methods / Numerical Algorithms / Numerical Analysis
- Stochastics / Probability / Stochastic Algorithms
- Data Visualisation / Information Visualisation / Scientific Visualisation
- Statistics / Experimental Design / Inference Methods
- Theoretical Computer Science / Formal Languages / Complexity and Computability
- Logical Deduction / Intelligent Agents / Knowledge Systems
- Software Engineering / Design Patterns / Scientific Code Development
- Database Management / Relational Data Models / Big Data Platforms
- Machine Learning / Data Mining / Computational Statistics
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is not required but will be positively considered if submitted.
Application Time Windows
- For (prospective) degree holders from non-German institutions of higher education
1 April - 31 May: non-EU-nationals
1 April - 15 July: German or EU-nationals
- For all other applicants
1 June - 15 July: (prospective) graduates from TU Dresden or other German institutions of higher education
1 April - 15 July: Applicants who already received an admission to the CMS program
Application Documents
1. Applicants with a non-German degree must apply via "uniassist" (see below) and submit the following documents online (only).
- Signed application form for assessment of aptitude and admission (will be updated soon)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Motivation letter
- Copy of passport or identity card
- Higher Secondary School Certificate / Intermediate Examination Certificate
- University transcripts and final graduation documents. If the first university degree is not yet finished, we request a certificate in English or German language issued by the home university (with original signature or authenticated copy) regarding the estimated end of studies and confirmation that at least 80% of the bachelor degree program has been completed, including the current average grade (for a 4-year degree: 7 completed semesters / for a 3-year degree: 5 completed semesters).
- English language certificate (knowledge of English corresponding to at least level B2 of the European Frame of Reference for Languages is required. For detailed information see the Regulations for determining the suitability for CMS paragraph 4 (6)
- (optional) The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is not required but will be positively considered if submitted.
- Students of some countries must submit the original APS certificate
A simple copy of the original documents and the corresponding official translation into German or English is sufficient (including higher secondary school certificate, „Abiturzeugnis“).
2. Applicants with a German degree must register via the TUD online portal and follow these steps:
- Login to the relevant TUD online portal (see below)
- Print out and sign the TUD application form (each page!)
- Send this form along with the above-mentioned documents (see subject 1) by post to the TUD International Office (if requested by the SELMA-portal for international applicants, only) or to: CMS-Admission committee, TU Dresden, Fakultät Informatik, Institut für Künstliche Intelligenz, 01062 Dresden before 15 July
by email to by the end of June.
A simple copy of the original documents and the corresponding official translation into German or English is sufficient (including higher secondary school certificate, „Abiturzeugnis“).
Application Portals
Nationality | Degree from | Apply to |
All | non-German institutions of higher education | uniassist |
All | any German institutions of higher education | TUD online Portal |
Applicants who previously received an admission (repeat application) |
non German or German institutions of higher education |
Admission Procedure
The Admission Committee will evaluate completed applications. Afterwards, the applicants will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of the application by email by the end of July. Additionally, international students will receive an email from the TUD International Office informing them on the availability of the official admission letter ("Zulassungsbescheid"). This letter can be downloaded from the TUD online portal and is important for the student visa application to the German Embassy in the student's home country.
In addition to their application for admission to the tracks Computational Life Science or Applied Artificial Intelligence, eligible students can apply for a scholarship of the DAAD Zuse School of Excellence in AI SECAI to support their studies.
Further information about eligibility criteria, the application process, selection criteria, and deadlines are available on the SECAI website about scholarships.