Application procedure via uni assist
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uni assist
TU Dresden is a member of the “Application Services for International Students” (“Arbeits- und Servicestelle für Internationale Studienbewerbung” uni-assist). This means, that applicants with an international school or university certificate must apply for admission to university studies in Germany via uni assist.
On behalf of TU Dresden, uni-assist evaluates whether the submitted application documents are complete and meet all the requirements for the desired university degree programme. If this is the case, the application is forwarded to TU Dresden for a final assessment and the admission decision.
Applications via uni assist must be done online. All application documents have to be uploaded by the deadline.
You can consult the DAAD or the Anabin admission databank regarding the important country-specific requirements and check if your certificates in principle make you eligible for university admission in Germany.
Information about general prerequisites at TU Dresden
Application via uni assist
The application procedure via uni-assist is subject to handling fees. These must be paid directly when the application is created. Your application will not be processed before that.
Documents to be submitted
The following documents must be submitted for an application:
- Application form (is automatically generated at the end of the online application in the uni assist portal.) Please be aware, that the spelling on the application must correspond to the spelling in your passport.
- Personal data sheet (short CV)
- Passport copy (only the page with the name and photo) or ID Card
- Scan from the original certificate or from the Authenticated copy of the original as well as Scan from the sworn translation (German or English) of the following documents:
- High School certificate with subject and grade summary, if applicable: Certificate of university entrance examination
- If you have already studied in your home country or at other universities, submit the subject and grade summary of all years, and if available: the graduation certificate
- If a degree program has already been completed: Overview of subjects and grades of all years of study and the final degree certificate
- proof of sufficient German language skills (except for English taught master's programmes)
- Please note that for certain degree programmes further special documents (e.g. application for aptitude assessment, proof of foreign language skills, motivation letter, internships) must be submitted. Please familiarise yourself prior to applying by reading the corresponding pages in TU Dresden’s Student Information System.
- Applicants for higher semesters have to submit a "Moduldescription" (German or English) as well as a certificate of recognition for the desired course of study.
- For applications for master's programmes, if the first university degree is not present:
- Certificate (with original signature or authenticated copy) regarding the estimated end of studies and these so called 80 percent confirmation that at least 80% of the Bachelor degree programme has been completed, incl. the current average grade (for a 4-year degree – 7 completed semesters, for a 3-year degree – 5 completed semesters)
- Applicants with chinese, vietnamese or indian educational certificates have to submit the original certificate of the Academic Evaluation Centre at the German embassy (APS – Akademische Prüfstelle) Information about the APS
- Students who are already enrolled in a German university have to submit this additional application form (Nebenhörer).
- If you want to change from another German university to TU Dresden, you will need a Transcript of records and enrolment certificate.
Please note: We also recommend that you bring an set of your certified application documents with you to Germany. You may need these for further purposes. Certification of foreign-language documents requires a lot of effort and is very time-consuming in Germany.
Application for a change of course to a higher semester
Applicants for a higher semester have to apply for a certificate of credited semesters with the examination office of their faculty. The crediting procedure is based on credits achieved during previous studies. The Examination Boards and Examination Offices have compiled Tips for Applying for the Certificate of Transferable Credits.
Change of course/subject within TU Dresden
If you are already enrolled as a student at TU Dresden and you want to change your study course or subject within TU Dresden, it is not necessary to apply via uni assist. You can apply for a change of course/subject via the student portal. To do this, please select the function [Change of Course] in the menu under [My Data]. In the future, you will find all the changes of course for which you have applied under [My Applications].
If you already have applied in the previous year via uni assist and have obtained an admission, but were unable to start your degree, you do not have to re-apply via uni assist. Please find information here: Link.
If your application has been rejected by uni assist (e.g. due to incomplete documentation), you must submit a new application via uni assist.
Graduates from the Studienkolleg Sachsen in Leipzig/Preparatory College Saxony
If you have already applied via uni assist for TU Dresden and you have been send to the Studienkolleg Sachsen in Leipzig by TU Dresden, you do not have to apply again via uni assist. Please find information here: Link. With the application form you have to submit a copy of your last admission and a certified copie of the "Zeugnis über die Feststellungsprüfung".
If you do not yet have an application/first admission to TU Dresden, you must apply via uni assist.