Study and Exam Regulations
Table of contents
Study Regulations
- Study Regulations for the International Master's Degree Program in Distributed Systems Engineering as of May 18, 2020
- Discontinuation of modules in accordance with the Faculty Board resolution of May 15, 2024; the following modules are no longer offered:
- INF-DSE-23-E-EHS Embedded Hardware Systems Design
- INF-DSE-20-E-EHS-L Lab: Embedded Hardware Systems Design
- Updated Module Descriptions as well as Study Schedule (Faculty Board Meeting as of March 05, 2024):
Updated Electives (Faculty Board Meeting as of August 30, 2023):
- Updated Electives (Faculty Board Meeting as of July 19, 2023):
- new module INF-DSE-23-E-IM Internet Measurements (Prof. M. Wählisch)
- modification of exam kind and module number in module Embedded Hardware Systems Design: written exam (120 min).
- revised curriculum (study regulations, appendix 1, part 2)
- Updated Electives (Faculty Board Meeting as of January 18, 2023):
- new module INF-DSE-20-E-OSC Operating-System Construction (Prof. H. Schirmeier)
- new module INF-DSE-20-E-C2X Vehicular Networking (Prof. C. Sommer)
- new module INF-DSE-20-E-CMS Cooperative Mobile Systems (Prof. C. Sommer)
- the modules INF-DSE-20-E-OSS Operating Systems Security und INF-DSE-20-E-SOS Special Operating Systems were cancelled
- revised curriculum (study regulations, appendix 1, part 2)
- Updated Electives (Faculty Board Meeting as of June 20, 2021)
- new module INF-DSE-20-E-CPLCD Foundations of Certified Programming Languages (Prof. J. Castrillon).
- revised curriculum (study regulations, appendix 1, part 2)
- Discontinuation of modules in accordance with the Faculty Board resolution of May 15, 2024; the following modules are no longer offered:
- Study Regulations (2010) as of July 27, 2017
- Study Regulations (2004)
Exam Regulations
- Exam Regulations for the International Master's Degree Program in Distributed Systems Engineering as of May 18, 2020
- Updated Electives (Faculty Board Meeting as of Juy 18, 2023): updated appendix 1 (compulsory electives) and 3 (assigned focus)
- Updated Electives (Faculty Board Meeting as of January 18, 2023): updated appendix 1 (compulsory electives) and 3 (assigned focus)
- Updated Electives (Faculty Board Meeting as of June 20, 2021): new module INF-DSE-20-E-CPLCD Foundations of Certified Programming Languages (Prof. J. Castrillon) added to appendix 1 (compulsory electives) and 3 (assigned focus)
- Corrigendum to the Examination Regulations for the Consecutive Master's Degree Program Distributed Systems Engineering (published in the Official Announcements of the TUD No. 03/2022 of April 19, 2022) of May 18, 2020 (published in the Official Announcements of the TUD No. 07/2020 of June 26, 2020)
- Exam Regulations (2010) as of July 27, 2017
- Exam Regulations (2004)
Aptitude Assessment Regulations
- Aptitude Assessment Regulations for the International Master's Degree Program in Distributed Systems Engineering (Eignungsfeststellungsordnung DSE) as of February 09, 2019 (original version)
- Erste Satzung zur Änderung der Ordnung über die Feststellung der Eignung im konsekutiven Masterstudiengang Distributed Systems Engineering (Eignungsfeststellungsordnung DSE) as of February 10, 2021
- inofficial reading version of the Aptitude Assessment Regulations (based on original version 02/19 including changes of February 10, 2021)