Jul 26, 2019
Further international award for Christoph Leyens

After RMIT Melbourne, Australia, the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, appointed Prof. Christoph Leyens as “Adjunct Professor”
Prof. Christoph Leyens has been appointed Adjunct Professor at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada for his successful global commitment to Additive Manufacturing. At the beginning of this year, the Director of the Institute of Materials Science at TU Dresden and Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS received the award of the same title from RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
The tasks as adjunct professor include jointly supervising doctoral students in Canada and Australia as well as promoting the exchange of students and scientists between the two countries from and to Germany. “I am very pleased about the opportunity to strengthen our international networking and visibility. In Australia there is a well-established network of industry and research. Canada has just created a similar cooperation platform for Additive Manufacturing as we coordinate it from our Additive Manufacturing Center Dresden”, says Prof. Leyens with regard to the AGENT-3D network, the initiator and coordinator of which he is. “Developments in Additive Manufacturing proceed at such a rapid pace and demand interdisciplinary cooperation, so that an expansion of scientific cooperation beyond the borders of Europe is not only desirable, but indispensable,” the scientist explains his commitment.
About IfWW
The Institute of Materials Science (IfWW) at TU Dresden includes three professors appointed to the institute and one associate professor with more than 150 employees. In addition, there are six joint professorships with other institutions (Leibniz and Fraunhofer Institutes) and three honorary professorships. More than 250 students are enrolled in the Diploma and Bachelor Degree Programs in Materials Science. In addition, the institute offers teaching services for other diploma and master programs of the faculties of mechanical science and engineering, electrical and computer engineering, education, business and economics. The IfWW is headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Leyens, who also holds the Chair of Materials Technology. This position combines basic research in materials science with application-oriented issues. The research results are published internationally and find their way into industrial applications, for example in the aerospace industry, energy and electrical engineering, the automotive industry, rail vehicle construction and medical technology. The Chair of Materials Technology is a cooperation partner of the Fraunhofer IWS in the Additive Manufacturing Center Dresden (AMCD).
Media inquiries:
Markus Forytta
Head of Corporate Communications
Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik IWS
Tel.: +49 351 83391-3614