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Nov 15, 2024; Defence

Dissertation on the topic of "Size-Effects in Epitaxially Grown Ni-Mn-Ga-based Films" by M.Sc. Satyakam Kar

Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Speaker(s) M.Sc. Satyakam Kar
Start and end time 10:15 AM
Location as a hybrid event

Dec 06, 2024; Defence

Dissertation on the topic of "Weiterentwicklung virtueller Inbetriebnahme-Modelle - Zustandsüberwachung und Ausbringungs­prädiktion auf Basis eines prozessaktuellen virtuellen Maschinenzwillings" by M.Sc. Fabian Johannes Kramer-Pohlkötter

Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Speaker(s) M.Sc. Fabian Johannes Kramer-Pohlkötter
Start and end time 10:00 AM
Location as a hybrid event

Dec 16, 2024; Defence

Dissertation on the topic of "Kultivierung pflanzlicher, tierischer und humaner Zellkulturen unter Berücksichtigung bioverfahrenstechnis­cher Aspekte" by Dipl.-Ing. Rüdiger Wolfgang Maschke

Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Speaker(s) Dipl.-Ing. Rüdiger Wolfgang Maschke
Start and end time 09:45 AM
Location as a hybrid event