DAAD: Autumn School of University of Patras & TU Dresden
Towards a sustainable teaching and research in lightweight engineering and multi-material design
University of Patras, 08th – 12th Nov 2021
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, University of Patras, Greece
The Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK), Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Lightweight construction is a key technology for climate protection, innovation and resource efficiency. It is becoming increasingly important to integrate young scientists into international networks in order to facilitate professional cooperation in Europe.
Therefore the technical University of Dresden (TUD) is offering a Autumn School in November 2021. The Autumn School lasts 8 days and is free of charge for fellow travelers. The target group of this trip are students and postgraduate PhD (Philosophiae Doctor) students from the Institute of Lightweight Construction and Plastics Technology who would like to travel to the University of Patras (UoP) in Greek.
The aim of the journey is to enable the participants to exchange cultural and professional knowledge, as well as to gain an insight into German teaching and research practice with the aim of attracting qualified foreign students. Furthermore, the programme enables German universities to position themselves on the international research market.
The programme of the summer school includes lectures by TUD and the UoP. The lectures contain information about the respective universities and their research priorities.
On the German side the keynote speakers are Prof. Dr. M. Gude, Dr. A. Filippatos, Dr. A. Hornig, M. Heitkamp and R. Stanik and on the Greek side the lectures will be given by Prof. V. Kostopoulos, Dr. T. Loutas, Dr. S. Tsantzalis and Dr. A. Kotzakolios.
In addition, workshops will be offered during the trip, in particular on effective cooperation between the universities. Besides the city of Patras, a local incubator centre and the Archaia Olympia are visited to allow the cultural exchange among students. The following table gives a brief overview of the programme for the Autumn School.
Yawen, Kaushik, Vaggelis and Laureen! All of them are studying at the TU Dresden and share their experiences with you in short videos.
Call for Participants
Open call for excellent students (MSc, PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics) to participate in the Autumn School.
Global megatrends such as climate change, mobility and resource availability require interdisciplinary and international approaches. Resource neutral lightweight design with modern multifunctional materials empowered by machine learning are key technologies that develops important solutions for climate protection, innovation and resource efficiency. It is particularly important to involve young scientists in the international networks at an early stage in order to develop long-term scientific cooperation in Europe.
How to apply?
If you are interested in participating in the Autumn School, please, send a comprehensive application until the 01st October 2021 including:
- A letter describing your motivation to participate (500 words)
- An idea / topic you would like to work on during the Autumn School (three key points)
- A brief CV (max. 2 pages)
- Transcript of Records
- Optional: A reference from your university supervisor
Indicative selection criteria
- academic merit (main criterion)
- motivation to participate
- English language skills
- fit with the topic
Selection procedure
First criterion for selecting students will be academic merit. In accordance with
our equal-opportunity policy, we will - in case of equal academic qualification - preference
to applicants from less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds, minorities and people with special needs.
We expressly encourage female students to apply for the Autumn School.
Once students are selected, they receive the Letter of Confirmation from their sending institution, setting out the student's rights and obligations, and explaining the further steps to be undertaken.
Successful participants will be awarded a certificate for participation.
Scientific / Administrative Coordinator of the project
- Gerasimos Mentzelopoulos
Research Projects, Partnerships & Technology Commercialisation (University of Patras)

Group Leader Intelligent Structures
NameMr Dr.-Ing. Georgios Tzortzinis
Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials
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