Successes in retrospect: Completed projects & past events
On this subpage you will find an overview of our successfully completed international education and mobility projects as well as past events with an international background, which have contributed significantly to the promotion of international cooperation and education at our institute. These initiatives have enabled us not only to exchange knowledge, but also to build valuable networks, to strengthen our intercultural skills and to internationalize the Institute in a sustainable way.
Reports in the ILK annual research report
For the first time, we are presenting the Research Report 2023 in an interactive electronic form that is directly integrated into our homepage. The highlights of our international collaborations, developments in internationalization at the ILK and highlights of our international education and mobility projects can be found in the section "Internationalization 2023". Get exciting insights and a summarized review of the year 2023, which underline our commitment to global networking.
You can download the articles 2017 to 2022 as a PDF here:
Internationalisation. Research report 2022
Internationalisation. Research Report 2021
Internationalisation. Research Report 2020
Internationalisation. Research Report 2019
ILK International. Research Report 2018
ILK International. Research Report 2017
Completed projects
- DAAD educational project for the integration of international students EDI:TUD, "Successful - Digital - Integrated: Studying at TU Dresden"
Duration: 2021 - 2023 - DAAD-PPP mobility project "Development of the innovative technology of the production of hybrid structures"
Duration: 2021 - 2022
Project partner: AGH University of Krakow, Poland
Past events
The 27th Dresden International Lightweight Engineering Symposium, partner country India: "Neutral Lightweight Engineering - Resilience through Technology Sovereignty", Messe Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 13/14.06.2024 -
3rd Dresden International Colloquium on Tailored Carbon Fibers, Radisson Blu Conference & Hotel Center, Radebeul, Dresden, Germany, 20-22.03.2024
5th Saxon-Polish Innovation Day. Innovative solutions for sustainable mobility, Stadtmuseum Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 21/22.09.2023
COMPOLL Joint Conference "Pollution Awareness in Research and Teaching", IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India, 24/25.11.2022
4th Saxon-Polish Innovation Day. The Future of European Industry. Flexible - Digital - Sustainable, Politechnika Wrocławska, Wroclaw, Poland, 15/16.09.2023
COMPOLL Mini Conference of IIT Delhi & TU Dresden, online, 30.11.-01.12.2021
2nd Dresden International Colloquium on Tailored Carbon Fibers, online, 09./10.06.2021
3rd Saxon-Polish Innovation Day. Technology. People. Future. Sustainable design of innovative products in the context of social challenges, Politechnika Wrocławska, Wroclaw, Poland, 07./08.11.2019
The 22nd International Dresden Lightweight Construction Symposium, partner country Republic of Korea: "Lightweight System Construction - Key to Growth 2030", Messe Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 14./15.06.2018 -
2nd Saxon-Polish Innovation Day. Personalized Biomedicine and Medical Technology, Liaison Office of the Free State of Saxony in Wroclaw/ Main Library of the Medical University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 19./20.09.2018
1st Dresden International Colloquium on Tailored Carbon Fibers, Castle Eckberg, Dresden, Germany, 03./04.05.2018
Saxon-Polish Innovation Day. Electromobility: R&T networks as drivers of innovation, Liaison Office of the Free State of Saxony in Wroclaw/ New Town Hall of the City of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 21./22.09.2017
The 20th International Dresden Lightweight Construction Symposium, partner country China: "Lightweight system engineering as a driver of innovation for mobility in the digital age", Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden, Germany, 09./10.06.2016
ILK Summer Schools
- M2BRIDGE Summer School 2024: M2BRIDGE-DCIM Summer School on Crash and Impact of Aircraft Structures with Function and Sensor Integration, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 25.-30.06.2024.
- COMPOLL Summer School 2023: COMPOLL Winter School on Pollution, Life-Cycle Assessment and Recycling, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India, 27.11.-01.12.2023.
- Summer school for high-talented Korean students: Trial Study Program on Sustainable Lightweight Engineering, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 24.-28.07.2023.
- ILK Summer School 2023: Dresden International Summer School on Function Integration at Lightweight Systems for Industry 4.0, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany,24.-28.04.2023 (funded by the TUD funding program Internationalization).
Greek-German DAAD Summer School 2021: 1st Greek-German Autumn School on Lightweight Engineering and Composite Design, UPAT, Patras, Greece, 08.-12.11.2021.
In addition to the in-house summer schools, the ILK is significantly involved in the organization and design of the DCIM summer schools (Previous Schools).

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NameILK International
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