Apr 24, 2024
Techtextil and Texprocess Innovation Award 2024 presented to ITM
The Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM) and the Institute of Concrete Structures (IMB) at TU Dresden receive one of two Techtextil Innovation Awards in the "New Concept" categoryfor a new manufacturing process for precast concrete elements using carbon, which is said to save up to a third of concrete. This is what it's all about: in order to save material, so-called hollow core slabs are preferably used in new buildings. These are precast concrete elements which, in contrast to solid reinforced concrete ceilings, contain cavities and therefore require less concrete. With the new manufacturing process, which the Institutes have developed in collaboration with companies from the textile and construction industries, hollow-core slabs can be produced with carbon, which should save even more concrete and thusCO2 in the future. "Hollow-core slabs made from carbon concrete using our new process require 28% less concrete than conventional reinforced concrete hollow-core slabs - with the same load-bearing capacity," says ITM research group leader Dr.-Ing. Lars Hahn.

Winners of the Techtextil Innovation Award 2024 Prof. Dr. Chokri Cherif (ITM, 2nd from left), Dr.-Ing. Lars Hahn (ITM, 3rd from left), Prof. Birgit Beckmann (IMB,TUD, 4th from left) and Dipl.-Ing. Paul Penzel (ITM, 5th from left)
The award-winning process should soon enable private and industrial buildings to be built in a more sustainable and resource-saving way than before.
The Texprocess Innovation Award in the "Digitalization + AI" category goes to the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM) and the Chair of Development and Assembly of Textile Products at TU Dresden for a new evaluation method for body scans based on 4D scans.

Winners of the Texprocess Innovation Award 2024 Prof. Dr. Yordan Kyosey (2nd from left) and M.Sc. Ann-Malin Schmidt (3rd from left)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Yordan Kyosev said:
"Soft body parts can thus be measured in motion. With such 4D body data, clothing manufacturers could develop textiles that are more comfortable to wear in the future".

Innovation Award 2024 winners
The employees are proud and would like to congratulate the award winners.